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Li Lingxin Visits the Procuratorate of Yixiu District for Investigation
Time: April 18, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On April 18, Li Lingxin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Anqing Municipal Procuratorate, went to the Yixiu District Procuratorate for investigation, accompanied by Chen Tuanjie, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Procuratorate and director of the Political Department.

The symposium reported and analyzed the procuratorial business data of each line of Yixiu District People's Procuratorate from January to April, pointed out the current problems, and understood the specific work of each business line of the court and the development of digital procuratorial work in detail. Wang Gao, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Acting Procurator General of Yixiu District People's Procuratorate, reported in detail the current work, existing problems and future plans.

Li Lingxin affirmed the work of the Institute since this year, and put forward five requirements on the next step.

First, we should scientifically analyze the situation. We should not only see progress, development and change, see the effect of new measures in work, but also see the existing weaknesses and weaknesses. It is necessary to carefully analyze and study the changes brought about by the adjustment of the assessment indicators by the superior institutes, base on the actual work of Yixiu, play the role of assessment as a "baton" and "vane", carry out targeted work, and improve the scientific and accurate decision-making.

Second, we must accurately grasp the key points. We should closely focus on the work priorities of the central, provincial, municipal and district committees this year, and perform the four major procuratorial functions; We should actively implement the two special actions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Provincial People's Court, and incorporate all work arrangements and work requirements into the actions of "procuratorial work to protect enterprises" and "procuratorial work to protect people's livelihood"; It is necessary to organize police officers to actively participate in the business competitions organized by the municipal hospital, train the team and find talents. At the same time, it is also necessary to solve key problems, pay attention to data quality, clarify the subject of responsibility, and start accountability when appropriate.

Third, we should focus on building distinctive brands. It is necessary to establish characteristics and brand awareness, combine daily work with central work, superior deployment, and the reality of Yixiu, plan ahead, create carefully, do a good job in brand cultivation, promotion, publicity, and promotion, and create an inspection brand of Yixiu.

Fourth, we should pay close attention to digital procuratorial work. To develop procuratorial work, digital procuratorial work is an indispensable means and a subversive change in the way of handling cases. We should start with "small incision", cultivate data thinking, and make digital modeling a daily work habit, a direction of work, and a strong support for the modernization of procuratorial work. We should take more pragmatic measures to achieve results.

Fifth, we should boost the spirit of entrepreneurship. Strengthen the cohesion and centripetal force of the team, drive the leading team to further boost the spirit, improve the status and enhance the vitality with the good status of the team, create an entrepreneurial atmosphere and a united and democratic atmosphere for all staff members of the hospital, strengthen the implementation efforts, strive to focus on detail, grasp the new results of work, and form new progress of work.

Wang Gao said that the People's Procuratorate of Yixiu District will strictly implement the requirements, make precise efforts from five aspects, increase efforts in key work, key deployment and key issues, drive the team to continue to make efforts in a healthy and upward state, and promote the greater development of Yixiu Procuratorate, presenting a better situation.