Procuratorial Highlights
Deliver the "baton" of youth!
Time: April 30, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On the morning of April 30, the fifth League members' meeting of the Communist Youth League Anqing People's Procuratorate was held. The meeting heard and deliberated the work report of the fourth session of the Committee, and elected a new member of the Committee. Chen Tuanjie, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Procuratorate and director of the Political Department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. All the members of the delegation attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Zhao Yangfan, secretary of the Youth League Committee, summarized and reviewed the work of the Fourth Committee of the Communist Youth League of Anqing People's Procuratorate.

In the past five years, the Youth League Committee of the organ, centering on the center and the overall situation of service, has worked hard and courageously, united and led the youth of the youth league members of the whole hospital to cohere closely around the party, continued the fine tradition of "the party has a call, the youth league has action", interpreted the youth oath of "please rest assured the party, the strong country has me", and contributed youth strength to the high-quality development of procuratorial work. The Youth League Committee of the organ won the honorary title of "Anhui May Fourth Red Flag Youth League (Industry) Committee", and many comrades won the honorary titles of "Anhui Excellent League Cadre", "Anhui Upwardly Good Youth", "Anqing Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadre", "Anqing Outstanding Communist Youth League Member", and so on.

The General Assembly successively voted to approve the election method, the list of scrutineers and vote counters, and the list of candidates for the fifth Youth League Committee members. By secret ballot, Huang Xin, Lou Yanan, Hao Shuang, Peng Qi, Xu An, Cao Hanyu, and Wang Yingqi were elected as members of the new Youth League Committee of Anqing People's Procuratorate.

On behalf of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Procuratorate, Chen Tuanjie fully affirmed the work of the previous Youth League Committee, congratulated the new Youth League Committee and placed new expectations on it. He demanded that the new Youth League Committee should adhere to the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on youth work, keep in mind the "greatest of the country", keep benchmarking, arm the youth with the Party's scientific theory, inspire the youth with the Party's original mission, guide the youth with the Party's glorious banner, shape the youth with the Party's fine style, and constantly enhance the political, advanced and mass character of the Youth League, Make great efforts to contribute youth strength to procuratorial modernization! We should take loyalty to the Party as the best quality, calibrate the youth course in achieving "two maintenance", take practical responsibility as the most beautiful posture, show youth in high-quality and efficient performance of duties, take strict self-discipline as the strongest line of defense, and show youth in self revolution.