Procuratorial Highlights
Procuratorial Open Day | In the name of law, let her power flourish
Time: April 27, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On April 25, Anqing People's Procuratorate, Anqing Women's Federation, together with Yuexi County People's Procuratorate and Yuexi County Women's Federation, jointly held the procuratorial open day activity of "protecting half the sky under the rule of law and making contributions to the new era together", inviting deputies to the municipal and county people's congresses and CPPCC members to enter the procuratorial organs. Wang Shuqing, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, Hang Xiangyang, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Municipal Women's Federation, and Wu Min, member of the Standing Committee of the Yuexi County Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, attended the event.

Wu Min stressed that the cause of women and children is an important part of the cause of the Party and the country, and an important starting point for peace building and grass-roots governance. It is hoped that the procuratorial organ and the Women's Federation will strengthen cooperation, take initiatives, and take multiple measures to promote protection by combating, resolve by troubleshooting, prevent by governance, and rescue by helping, and jointly protect the rights and interests of "her" in the name of "law".

"Women and children are safe, and the world is safe. Women have a great responsibility to safeguard their rights. As a representative from the grass-roots level, I feel deeply about these fresh cases reported by the procuratorial organ today. These cases fully reflect the firm determination and hard work of the procuratorial organ to protect women's rights and interests."

"As a male representative, I also want to speak for" Half the Sky ", and suggest that the procuratorial organs continue to increase the punishment for acts violating women's rights and strengthen the publicity of law popularization."

During the exchange speech, the invited NPC deputies and CPPCC members actively offered suggestions on how the procuratorial organs could better protect women's rights and interests.

Hang Xiangyang thanked the procuratorial organs, deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members for their concern and support for the protection of the rights and interests of women and children, and said that the Municipal Women's Federation will extensively mobilize women's federations at all levels, cadres and executive committee members to take an active role in online demand transfer, information sharing and other aspects, fully cooperate in combating illegal and criminal acts, and constantly optimize service methods, We should work together to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children in an ordinary, regular and grass-roots way.

"The procuratorial open day is a bridge and window for procuratorial organs to consciously accept supervision and display procuratorial work. Thank you for your concern and support for procuratorial work." Wang Shuqing pointed out in his summary speech that procuratorial organs, as the national legal supervision organ, assume the responsibility of prosecuting crimes, litigation relief, and public welfare representatives in protecting the rights and interests of women and children We should always shoulder the political and legal responsibilities, handle every case involving the rights and interests of women and children with high quality and efficiency, and strive to provide a more comprehensive and solid judicial guarantee. The procuratorial work cannot be separated from the support of deputies to the National People's Congress, CPPCC members and relevant departments. We hope that all sectors of society can continue to care about and support the procuratorial work and provide more wisdom for the high-quality development of the procuratorial cause.

The promotional short films of the protection of women's and children's rights and interests, Hidden Pain and Blue? Friend, You Who Guard the Juvenile, were broadcast on the scene, and typical cases of protecting women's and children's rights and interests were released. Li Hui, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Yuexi County Procuratorate, and Li Xiaoqin, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Yuexi County Women's Federation, respectively reported on the work of the procuratorate and the Women's Federation in safeguarding the rights and interests of women and children in the county.