Criminal prosecution
Anqing Procuratorate: When the publicity of the Anti Organized Crime Law was in progress
Time: May 5, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to further promote the normalization of anti mafia, further publicize and implement the Anti Organized Crime Law, effectively improve the awareness and participation of the people in the anti mafia work, and enhance their awareness of knowing, abiding by and using the law. On the morning of April 27, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the implementation of the Anti Organized Crime Law, the Anqing People's Procuratorate and the People's Procuratorate of Daguan District went to the eight hundred companion business circle in Daguan District to jointly hold a special publicity activity of "Implementing the Anti Organized Crime Law, severely cracking down on evil crimes and optimizing the business environment".

At the event site, the procuratorial police comprehensively interpreted the significance and highlights of the Anti Organized Crime Law and typical cases of procuratorial organs cracking down on organized crime in accordance with the law to passers-by and surrounding businesses through hanging banners, issuing brochures, on-site consultation, home visits and other forms, and guided the masses to actively report and expose organized crime around them, Actively use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Since the implementation of the Anti Organized Crime Law, the procuratorial organs of the city, guided by the implementation of the Anti Organized Crime Law, have focused on internal learning and training, strengthened their ability to combat organized crime, severely punished mafia crimes according to law, and promoted comprehensive social governance; Publicity and mobilization should be carried out to consolidate the mass base against organized crime and jointly contribute to the construction of peace and tranquility.