Criminal prosecution
Anqing Procurator: First Enable Remote Trial System to Realize Three party Trial
Time: August 27, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small




On the morning of August 26, the criminal Yang Moumou applied for the commutation case to be heard in accordance with the law for the first time in a tripartite remote court trial. Different from the past, this is the first time in a tripartite remote court trial. Anqing Intermediate People's Court, Anqing People's Procuratorate, Anqing People's Procuratorate, and Anqing Prison participated in the trial simultaneously in the Criminal Tribunal of the Municipal Intermediate People's Court, the remote court trial room of the Municipal Procuratorate, and the prison court.

During the court trial, the penalty executing organ will provide evidence about the reform of the criminal who plans to request commutation, the judge will interrogate the criminal, the criminal will make statements in court, the procurator will appear in court to interrogate the criminal, cross examine the relevant evidence presented by the executing organ, and issue procuratorial supervision opinions according to law.

During the whole court trial process, the case handlers of Anqing Intermediate People's Court, Anqing People's Procuratorate, Anqing Prison and prisoners serving sentences in Anqing Prison appeared in the same screen with multiple images. The voices of all parties were clear, and the court trial process was carried out in an orderly manner according to law, which fully guaranteed the legal rights of prisoners, and the whole court trial was carried out smoothly.

In order to actively overcome the adverse impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the handling of prisoners' commutation and parole cases, and effectively ensure the smooth handling of cases, with the strong support of the procuratorial information technology department of the People's Procuratorate of Anqing, the Third Procuratorial Department of the People's Procuratorate of Anqing, Anqing Intermediate People's Court and Anqing Prison have communicated and coordinated for many times, contributing to the smooth opening of the first tripartite remote video court trial.

Through tripartite remote video, we use the power of science and technology to build a bridge between the procuratorate, the court and the prison to handle cases in real time, which not only avoids the potential epidemic situation brought by case handlers entering and leaving the supervision place, but also is an important measure taken by the Third Procuratorate Department of the Anqing People's Procuratorate to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of prisoners in special periods. In the process of handling cases in the future, the Third Procuratorial Department of Anqing People's Procuratorate will, depending on the situation, use more remote video court trials to handle cases of commutation and parole of criminals to improve the efficiency of handling cases.