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How to open a registered account in Alibaba's corporate mailbox

Source: Alibaba Enterprise Mailbox Time: 09:42:51, April 19, 2024 Reading: 246

  To open and register an Alibaba mailbox account, you need to follow certain procedures.


First, you need to have an AliCloud account and perform real name authentication. This is the basic requirement for using Alibaba Cloud services to ensure the legitimacy and security of the account.

Next, go to the purchase page of Alibaba's mailbox, where you can see different versions of the mailbox, including the free version, standard version, group version and exclusive version, as well as their charging standards and prices. Select the appropriate version to purchase according to your enterprise needs.

Next, set the administrator password after the order payment is completed. This password is used to manage the entire enterprise mailbox system, including employee account management.

Then, log in to the AliMail website. After the mail record in the domain name resolution takes effect, you can open the mailbox login interface through the "mail. domain name" address, and enter the correct administrator account and password to log in to the mailbox.

Finally, after logging in, you will enter the domain management page by default. Click Employee Account Management on the left here to create a single account through New Account or batch create accounts through Import.

To sum up, you need to register and authenticate an Alibaba Cloud account first to open an Alibaba mailbox, then select the appropriate mailbox version and complete the purchase according to the needs of the enterprise, and finally set the administrator password and log in to the mailbox website to manage employee accounts. In the whole process, please make sure to follow the prompts carefully to ensure the smooth opening and use of the corporate mailbox.


   The steps to open and register an Alibaba mailbox account are usually as follows:


To visit the AliCloud official website: First, you need to visit the AliCloud official website.

Select a product: enter "corporate mailbox" in the product search on the official website, or directly find the "corporate mailbox" category in the product list.

Select a version: Select the appropriate version of Alibaba's mailbox according to your needs, such as the free version, the standard version, and the exclusive version.

Register/login account: If you are already a member of Alibaba Cloud, you can log in directly. If not, you need to register as an AliCloud member first, and then log in.

Fill in information: according to the selected version, fill in enterprise information, email binding domain name, purchase duration and other information.

Submit for review: After completing the information, submit it for review. The staff of Alibaba Cmail will review your information.

Purchase after approval: Once approved, you can purchase according to the previously selected version and quantity.

Configure email accounts: After the purchase is completed, you can configure email accounts according to the guidelines, including setting administrator accounts and assigning employee email accounts.

Start using: After the configuration is completed, you can start using Alibaba's mailbox service.

Please note that the specific process may change according to the latest policies of Alibaba's mailbox. We suggest you visit the official website of Alibaba's mailbox directly or contact its customer service to obtain the latest registration process and guide.

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