Alibaba email
 Alibaba Cloud mailbox
 Alibaba Cloud mailbox

Introduction to functions of Alibaba's corporate mailbox

Why AliCloud mailboxes? In order to meet the needs of users with different business scales, there are three Alibaba Cloud mailbox enterprise versions
Enterprise office
management function
Multi terminal support
Exclusive mobile client, fully supporting IOS and ANDROID mobile phones; Office anytime, anywhere and easily
Multi task mode
It can read and write emails in multiple windows at the same time, set mailboxes and other operations, so that enterprises can work more efficiently
Nail receiving and sending letters
One click to associate staples and email accounts, and you can use staples to send and receive emails like chatting
Full text search
Precise positioning and cloud based intelligent full text retrieval enable you to quickly query the information you need
Network disk synchronization
File network backup, synchronization and sharing, including personal network disk and enterprise shared network disk
Schedule management
Comprehensive management of work schedule, importance ranking and progress tracking, and review of shared schedule
Mail Synchronization
The mailbox sent folder can automatically save all sent messages, and the client can synchronize
Alibaba mailbox+nail
Make email as simple and efficient as staple chat
Simple management
One click allocation of all employees' mailboxes by nailing mobile phones
Easy maintenance
Pin to all terminals of mailbox address book
Easy to use
As long as you open the nail, you can use the corporate mailbox and more smart mobile office applications, supporting mobile phones and computers
Clear progress
Nails can also be viewed as read or unread for easy follow-up
Schedule management
Email can be forwarded to the nailed chat box with one click, and you can send a DING notice if it is unread
Transfer backup
The use of nails can quickly transfer the backup mail, so that the work messages can be archived and traceable
business management
Make enterprise management more efficient and easier
Mail monitoring
The monitoring account and the monitored account can be set to meet the needs of enterprises for mailbox security control
Level administrator
Set administrators of different levels and permissions to improve management efficiency
Easy to use
Misdeleted emails can be easily retrieved, and email management is safer and more secure
Mailbox archiving
Long term storage of enterprise mails to help enterprises quickly retrieve mails
Clear progress
Customize the corporate image of mailbox, including mailbox logo, mailbox landing page, unified signature, etc
Multi domain management
A single organization supports binding multiple domain names according to organization management requirements
Organization Address Book Settings
Set the visibility of members and departments, and set the display order of members and departments; Set the display of members' multi department part-time jobs
Mailbox moving
Easily migrate mail from the original service provider's mailbox to the new mailbox
Member Outgoing Restrictions
Members in the domain can be restricted from sending messages to the external domain

Alibaba Cloud enterprise mailbox price

In addition to professional services, we have provided Alibaba Mail Enterprise Edition and Alibaba Cloud Email customers with rich discounts
Enterprise Standard Edition
Customized enterprise brand image data monitoring and backup
six hundred 5 Account No./Year
Account capacity Unlimited/account number
Personal online disk 5G/account number
Share network disk 20G/enterprise domain
Sales range 5-500
Enterprise Group Edition
Subsidiary independent domain independent permission management
nine thousand and five hundred 100 account number/year
Account capacity Unlimited/account number
Personal online disk 5G/account number
Share network disk 20G/enterprise domain
Sales range 100-500
Enterprise Exclusive Edition
Workflow customization and approval of travel management
one thousand and four hundred 10 Account No./year
Account capacity Unlimited/account number
Personal online disk 10G/account
Share network disk 50G/enterprise domain
Sales range 5 - Infinite
New registration and opening of "buy three years and get three years free" plus discount+domain name free
More than 1 million enterprises have witnessed the public praise, supported the seamless connection of mail data migration, and provided 7 * 24 after-sales service
Ms. Yang 137 * * * 4036 submitted 4 minutes ago
Mr. Zhao 186 * * * 5655 submitted 8 minutes ago
Ms. Li 138 * * * 5099 submitted 10 minutes ago
Mr. Chen 188 * * * 6228 submitted 14 minutes ago
Mr. Zhou 158 * * * 8289 submitted 15 minutes ago
Ms. Zhang 183 * * * 6886 submitted 16 minutes ago
Mr. Ma 139 * * * 3863 submitted 24 minutes ago
Mr. Qian 137 * * * 8899 submitted 30 minutes ago

Advantages of Alibaba's enterprise mailbox

Alibaba Cloud Mailbox and Alibaba Cloud Mailbox Enterprise Edition are safe, stable and trusted by millions of global SMEs
Based on Alibaba's self-developed Feiyun, it provides e-mail services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Share Alipay's trillion yuan financial security system and protect it from the core to the periphery
Breaking through the limitation of traditional mailbox technology, single account unlimited storage of mail
Calendar schedule supports full terminal synchronization and more integrated conference room management
Staple mail
E-mail can also be read and not read, as simple and effective as chatting
Alibaba Cloud has established a global data center, providing a dedicated channel for domestic and foreign mail communication
to open up
Rich open mailbox API interface, supporting single sign on and user synchronization
Customize the corporate image of mailbox, including mailbox logo, mailbox login page, unified signature, etc
7 * 24 professional engineers quickly respond to 20 years of operation and maintenance experience, and have served more than 1 million enterprises
Alibaba Mailbox Enterprise Edition Security&Choice of Stability Million Enterprise Trust
Single cluster reaches
CPU up to
80000 cores

Alibaba mailbox service process

Alibaba has produced 20 years of experience in Alibaba's enterprise mailbox operation. We understand how customers can use Alibaba Cloud's enterprise mailbox and Alibaba Mail's enterprise version to improve office efficiency
Apply for probation
Alibaba Cloud enterprise mailbox builds a formal environment for enterprises to test.
Expert consulting services
Customer managers can customize more appropriate solutions for enterprises according to their industry scale and usage habits
System integration support
Product architects provide enterprises with services such as system integration, nail integration, stress testing, and function co creation
data migration
Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Mailbox provides enterprises with historical mail data migration
Product training
On site use of product functions, convenient ways, and use specifications for enterprises.

Alibaba's enterprise mailbox user case

Our customer manager of Alibaba mailbox can choose services at different stages and Alibaba mailbox enterprise version according to the actual situation of the enterprise to meet the needs
 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Available version: Alibaba Enterprise Mail Group+Nail
Ford Motor and Alibaba Enterprise Mailbox have helped us achieve the unification of email and internal system account, while reducing our overall internal communication cost by 50%.
 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Available version: Alibaba Enterprise Mail Group+Nail
Alipay, as a part of Alibaba Group, Alibaba Mailbox's technical team smoothly completed the combination of accounts and data, giving us a seamless experience of mailbox migration.
 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Activated version: Alibaba Cloud enterprise mailbox group version+nailing
Alibaba Cmail helps us to get through the unified authentication and management between Cmail and internal OA, and provides us with an efficient and stable email receiving and sending experience, which is very convenient and efficient to use
 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Available version: Alibaba Enterprise Mail Group+Nail
The customer of Ningbo Tongshang Bank said: Alibaba Cloud Email has helped us to encrypt the whole process of email sending and receiving, unify the email and internal account, and make our email office more secure and convenient.
 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Available version: Alibaba Enterprise Mail Group+Nail
Alibaba Cloud mailbox provides us with a one-stop login service from OA to mailbox, which is unified with mailbox and internal
Account, let our enterprise communicate more quickly!

 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Available version: Alibaba Enterprise Mail Group+Nail
Alibaba's corporate mailbox helps us achieve the unification of email and internal system account, while making our overall
Ben has decreased by 50%
 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Available version: Alibaba Email Enterprise+Nail
Alibaba Cloud Email has made the communication within the enterprise of Guangdong Yinsai Brand Marketing Group Co., Ltd. more orderly. We have always used it, especially the experience of email search and sending. Search emails are displayed by category, and emails sent can be recorded and saved no matter where they are sent, which is very convenient and efficient to use
 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Activated version: Alibaba Cloud mailbox group version+nailing
Alibaba Cloud mailbox has built the most smooth and stable communication platform for internal and external communication of our employees, and has provided higher confidentiality and accuracy guarantee for enterprise data and trade secrets; Its perfect combination with nails has made the communication efficiency between branches, stores and agents in our group unprecedented
 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Available version: Alibaba Enterprise Mail Group+Nail
Zhanjiang Maya Tourism Products Co., Ltd. (Kaileshi) Ali corporate mailbox makes our company have no worries about office work. In the past, we didn't know whether the other party had looked at the mail when it was sent out. Now we can see whether the other party has read or not by nailing. In the past, we had to maintain a multi segment address book, but now only one copy is maintained, which makes communication more efficient and convenient
 Alibaba's enterprise mailbox customer case
Available version: Alibaba Enterprise Mail Group+Nail
Customer testimonials of Spotlight Technology: Alibaba's corporate mailbox has built a smooth and stable internal and external communication for our employees
Platform, sending and receiving encryption is more convenient!
Frequently asked questions about Alibaba Cloud mailboxes
common problem
Client use
Login problem
Receiving and returning letters
Administrator function
Domain name resolution
Mail move
Alibaba mailbox service center, 20 years of experience in mailbox operation
Consult immediately
Telephone consultation
Sign up to purchase Alibaba email? Customer service to help you
Telephone consultation: 400-1668-505
Ali mailbox is open for purchase for three years and free for three years Get discounts by phone
Buy email and send domain name
Three years' free purchase+value free purchase 88 yuan. com domain name
Consultation: 400-1668-505
Alibaba corporate mailbox opening discount
Buy three years and give three years+give enterprise exclusive domain name
QQ online consultation
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