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  •  Study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress
  •  Year of "Improving and Promoting" Style Construction
 [Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] Procuratorial Open Day of "Together with Procuratorates and Educators, Protect Growth" ⑥ | Simulated Procuratorial Hearing
 The first lesson of school | Rule of law into the campus, buckle the first button of life
 [Good News] The police of our hospital won the third prize in the city wide "Strive with the Party for a New Journey and Women Achieve a New Era" theme speech contest!
 [Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Judiciary] The public's sense of security and satisfaction has been "double improved", and the Bay Inspection has begun!
 [The whole nation is taking action against fraud] From the perspective of corporate finance personnel, this kind of fraud is specifically targeted at you!
 [Good News] Wanpeng District Procuratorate was rated as a demonstration site for "combating pornography and illegal publications" in Anhui Province
 [Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] The Standing Committee of Wangui District People's Congress came to the Wangui District Procuratorate to investigate the juvenile procuratorial work
 [Safeguarding people's livelihood] The People's Procuratorate of Wangui District carried out propaganda activities to combat and prevent illegal fund-raising
 [Inspection and Protection of People's Livelihood] Anti drug publicity has reached the masses, and public inspection has joined forces to escort a life free of drugs
 [Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Judiciary] The training class for promoting the ability of vice principals in the rule of law has begun!
 [Prosecutors' Open Day of "Together with Prosecutors and Teachers to Protect Growth" ⑤] Send the law to campus
 [Prosecutors' Open Day of "Together with Prosecutors and Teachers, Protect Growth" ④] Refuse campus bullying, and the juvenile version of "Mock Court" opens!
 [Procuratorial Open Day of "Together with Prosecutors and Educators to Protect Growth" ③] "June 1" Condolences and Warmth
 [Prosecutorial Open Day of "Together with Prosecutors and Educators, Protecting the Growth" ②] Government procuratorate interaction, talking about the protection of minors
 [Prosecutors' Open Day of "Together with Prosecutors and Educators, Protect Growth"] Welcome "Young Yours" to watch
 [Good News] The case of Wandang District Procuratorate was selected into the Selected Legal Cases in the Yangtze River Delta (Part II)
 [Good News] Huang Baoying, the People's Procuratorate of Wanpeng District, was awarded the title of "Advanced Individual in Anhui Province's Cigarette Counterfeiting Work"
 [Year of Law Enforcement and Judicial Excellence] Joint inspection, saying "no" to drug abuse!
 [Good News] The People's Procuratorate of Wandang District was awarded the title of "Advanced Group of Three Year Action against Money Laundering Offences in Anhui Province in 2023"
 [Procuratorate and protect enterprises] Talking together and protecting enterprises to gather joint forces -- The procuratorate of Wangui District, together with the Federation of Industry and Commerce, held a forum on the development of escort private economy
 [Procuratorate and protect enterprises] Strengthen the connection between execution and intellectual property protection
 [Safeguarding people's livelihood] Promote the protection of the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, and jointly promote the safety governance of the elderly care industry
 [National Security Education Day for All] Strengthen anti espionage awareness and build a national security barrier
 [National Security Education Day for All] Speech under the National Flag: Establishing a Concept of National Security and Building a Foundation for National Revival
 [Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] "Six Points" Work Method Launches a New Model of Grass roots Procuratorial Work of "Eliminating pornography and illegal publications"
 [Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] Focus on promotion, and the special work of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" is deployed by the Wangui District Procuratorate
 [National Safety Education Day for Primary and Middle School Students] Vice principal of the rule of law collectively popularizes the law and talks with students about campus bullying
 [Year of Law Enforcement and Judicial Excellence] Provincial "Anti pornography and Anti illegal" Office came to Wangui District Procuratorate to review the "Anti pornography and Anti illegal" demonstration site at the grass-roots level
 [The procurator has a story about "protecting the seedlings" and making a sound] It is "criminal" to pull the door "open the blind box"!
 Congratulations! This studio, add a new "medal"!
 [Cherish children and be polite in the spring] Parent child rule of law winter camp, unlock the "new play" of winter vacation!
 [Welcoming the NPC and CPPCC, Watching the Bay Inspection] Judicial assistance helps "her" regain confidence in life
 Be on the list again! This "national brand" honor has passed the review!
 Tongxin Protects the "Future" | Wandang District Procuratorate Jointly Conducts Special Inspection on Tattoo Treatment with Multiple Departments
 [Bay inspection statement] Don't take chances when driving drunk. How much does it cost!
 Good News | The procuratorial work Friend won the "Excellent Work Award" in the micro film category of the provincial procuratorial organs
 [Constitution Publicity Week] Dandelion Microclass | "Not" You Are Guarding the Constitution
 "Investigative cooperation, promoting win-win situation, improving quality and efficiency" - Wangui District Procuratorate held an open day activity of investigation supervision and cooperation with procuratorial work
 "Food" carved guard! The Bay People's Procurator launched a series of law popularization activities for food safety publicity week
 [The first lesson of the semester] The rule of law into the campus escorts Fanghua Road
 ["Seedling protection" action] Wandang District Procuratorate launched a book donation activity of "spreading love through books and building children's dreams together"
 Internship experience | I want to say something when I first entered the Bay Inspection
 [Dandelion Studio] Warning education on juvenile crime prevention and legal education activities
 [Anti fraud] After being cheated, please do it immediately!
 The rule of law enters the community, and "protecting seedlings" helps the growth
 Please accept the safety tips for drowning prevention when it is "hot"!
 [Dandelion Studio] "one-stop" case handling center jointly built by prosecutors and police to warm the wounded heart
 ["Seedling protection" action] "No" love escort, away from sexual assault
 ["Seedling protection" action] Let love shine and illuminate the "hidden corner"
 [International Drug Control Day] Joint publicity of public inspection to build a national defense line against drugs
 [Reject the temptation of high profits and stay away from illegal fund-raising] The Wandang District Procuratorate launched an illegal fund-raising publicity month activity
 ["Seedling protection" action] Joint inspection to escort students' dreams
 [Good News] The criminal execution procuratorial case handling team of the first procuratorial department of Wanpeng District Procuratorate was elected as the excellent criminal execution procuratorial case handling team of the provincial procuratorial organs in 2022
 [Prosecutors' Open Day] "Go Together in Prosecutions and Love, Protect Flowers Together", the June 1 series of activities, "Punch in" the procuratorate
 ["Seedling protection" action] peer review, jointly protect growth
 [Wanjian Wenyuan] Go to the mountains and seas with love
 [World Intellectual Property Day] How many laws and regulations related to intellectual property do you know?
 ["Seedling Protection" Action] A special baptism
 ["Seedling protection" action] Prevention of bullying on campus and protection of safe growth
 [Good News] Comrade Huang Baoying of Wanpeng District Procuratorate was awarded the title of "Excellent Public Prosecutor" in the 15th Anhui Provincial Excellent Public Prosecutor Business Competition
 [National Security Education Day for All] Everyone is responsible for national security; Eliminate pornography and illegal publications, protect seedling growth
 [Spring Breeze Protecting Seedlings] The rule of law into the campus escort growth path
 [Bay Inspection Statement] If the probation period for probation is more than one month away from supervision, the probation will be revoked!
 The first lesson at the beginning of school | Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Propaganda of Rule of Law on Campus
 [Bay Inspection Window] Do you know what "minor inspection" is?
 [Bay Inspection Statement] The crime of falsely issuing special VAT invoices is a common crime of enterprises
 [Bay Inspection Statement] Take you to review the legal knowledge of "Crazy Storm" (II)
 [Bay Inspection Statement] Take you to review the legal knowledge of "Crazy Storm" (I)
 Funny Stories of Caricature Criminal Prosecution (Phase I)
 [Dandelion Microclass] Can the guardian ask for the return of the game recharge for minors?
 [Cracking down on pension fraud] Pay attention to the gathering area of elderly groups, and the anti fraud propaganda of the Bay People's Procuratorate enters the nursing home
 [Caring for seedlings and protecting buds] The first lesson of the school begins with the public law broadcasting by the chief procurator on campus
 [Year of "Improving and Promoting" Style Construction] The Wangui District Procuratorate held the procuratorial open day activity of "joint efforts of procuratorates and enterprises, entrepreneurship and excellence"
 [Government inspection linkage] Carry out law enforcement inspection on special action to crack down on pension fraud
 [Dandelion Micro class] Don't be a "solitary swimmer"
 [Year of "Improving and Promoting" Style Construction] "Welcoming the Victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Holding the Banner and Delivering the Theory", the theme of "I am the One for the Revival of the Great Power" was introduced to the People's Procuratorate of Wandang District
 [Public interest litigation escorts rural revitalization] "Saving and intensive land and strictly abiding by the red line of cultivated land", and the Bay People's Procuratorate is in action
 [Government inspection linkage] Three party meeting to discuss coordinated governance of shell companies
 [International Drug Control Day] The police of the Wandang District Procuratorate carried out the anti drug publicity campaign of "keeping away from drugs and cherishing life"
 Wan 沚 Procurator: Procurator Blue guards the sunset red, making the elderly living alone secure
 [Public interest litigation escorts rural revitalization] "Saving and intensive land and strictly abiding by the red line of cultivated land", and the Bay People's Procuratorate is in action
 [Government inspection linkage] Three party meeting to discuss coordinated governance of shell companies
 [International Drug Control Day] The police of the Wandang District Procuratorate carried out the anti drug publicity campaign of "keeping away from drugs and cherishing life"
 Wan 沚 Procurator: Procurator Blue guards the sunset red, making the elderly living alone secure
 [Prevention of illegal fund-raising] Enter the village and let the people become the main body to prevent illegal fund-raising
 Wandang Procurator's quaver number
Wandang Procurator's quaver number
 Wanpeng Procurator WeChat Official Account
Wanpeng Procurator WeChat Official Account
 Wanpeng Procuratorate News Client
Wanpeng Procuratorate News Client
 Wanpeng Procurator's official microblog
Wanpeng Procurator's official microblog