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Live up to the Spring Festival and Study at the Right Time -- Sidelights of the 2024 "Scholarly Anhui" National Reading Activity and the 12th "Provincial Organ Reading Month" Garden Tour

Time: 21:07, April 16, 2024 Reading volume:

In April, the spring breeze is warm and flowers are in full bloom in Luogang Park. On the morning of the 13th, more than 2000 cadres and workers of the provincial government offices took a brisk step in this green season to share the spring scenery and go with books.


   An appointment to study in spring

The demonstration unit of the theoretical learning center group was commended, the provincial organ "Shuxiang Organ" was named, the national reading initiative was read out, and the leaders delivered a speech on the 2024 "Shuxiang Anhui" national reading activity and the 12th "Provincial Organ Reading Month" garden activity With the sound of "Garden Tour Now Starts", the crowd immediately threw themselves into the colorful reading activities on site.


Wanmei reading, organ leading. The chapter of "Wanmei" in Xiamen Garden Collection, the chapter of "Reading" in Jinan Garden Collection, the chapter of "Organ" in Kunming Garden Collection, and the chapter of "Leading" in Beijing Garden Collection. According to the guide of the entrance ticket, the cadres and staff of the organ are either intoxicated with the Beijing Garden with the Beijing Opera emblem, or walking to the green Xiamen Garden on the Green Island, or stopping to listen to the spring in the mountain and water spring city, or immersed in the ancient Yunnan heritage, while enjoying the scenery, At the same time, he collected four seals, relaxed his body and mind in the laughter, and exchanged his favorite books.


"The gentle breeze makes people feel warm, comfortable and fresh, just like today's Luogang Park". In front of the exhibition stand of the Provincial Government Office Calligrapher and Painter Association, a government official waited for more than half an hour to invite calligraphy treasures from his favorite calligrapher and excitedly introduce them to his colleagues. All morning, government officials and staff and the masses of citizens lined up in a long line, holding the folding fan prepared by the organizer and waiting quietly. 12 calligraphers concentrated and skillfully wrote more than 500 sects of poems and maxims on the spot.


"60% discount for the whole audience!" Anhui Xinhua Distribution Group has prepared 100000 yards worth of books for exhibition at the Huimin Book Market booth, which covers the party and government, children, and literature categories, with a very rich variety. "Full price discount!" Anhui Publishing Group selects nearly 5000 books of children and literature, including the Chinese good book Kaleidoscope. Super value discounts and large margins attracted cadres, workers and citizens to read, select and buy books. Anhui Publishing Group and Anhui Xinhua Distribution Group also raised more than 3000 books and 200 cultural and creative products to encourage cadres, workers and citizens to actively participate in various on-site reading activities.


Exhibition of achievements of "scholarly institutions", rewards for "learning talents", recommendation of good books of the times to read "storytelling", promotion of Anhui Party history and local chronicles The garden is full of flowers and books, which blend with each other.

"As young cadres in the new era, we should cherish the time, live up to our youth, take reading and learning, especially learning to understand Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, as a kind of attitude to life, a kind of responsibility for work, and a kind of spiritual pursuit, so as to be faithful to the Party, loyal to the Party, and brave to take responsibility." Provincial Party History Research Institute (Provincial Local Chronicles Research Institute) Chen Jianfeng, a cadre, said.

  Collision between traditional culture and modern wisdom

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the wisdom crystallization of Chinese civilization, and scientific and technological innovation provides inexhaustible power for the progress of civilization. At the site of reading and garden tour, the majority of cadres and workers, together with the masses of citizens, draw nutrients and infiltrate the mind while reading classics, and broaden their horizons and increase their wisdom while experiencing modern science and technology.


"The first word of today's flight is' spring '!" Before the host of Anhui Radio and TV Station spoke out, three government officials jumped to the center of the stage with full confidence. "When the sun rises, the river flowers are more red than the fire, and when spring comes, the river water is as green as blue", "When spring sleeps, the crowing of birds is heard everywhere", "When it rains well, the season is known, and spring happens". On the stage, the three challengers were calm and calm. After several rounds of competition, they were still hard to distinguish; Off the stage, poetry lovers read in unison, meditate, or whisper At the site of the activity of "Flying Flowers of Chinese Classic Poetry", from cadres and workers to the public, from the elderly to young children, all had a good time "poetry addiction".

"Powerful and powerful, the experts are in the folk!" Nuclear carving, interior painting, facial sculpture, bead weaving... These intangible cultural heritage unique skills aroused the sincere admiration of government officials and staff. At the booth of the Provincial Association of Folk Artists and Artists, the teachers showed their unique skills while explaining the technical essentials, and invited the audience to participate in the creation. We not only realized the breadth and depth of Chinese traditional skills, but also touched the vicissitudes and temperature of Chinese history, and consciously added some love and confidence to Chinese excellent traditional culture.


In front of the science popularization caravan of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, the children enjoyed themselves. "Acoustic standing wave", "centrifugal force", "hand eye coordination", "going through the wall", "cone rolling up" The children scrambled to operate, observe and think, or discuss enthusiastically. The activity scene became a "feast" for science popularization. Iron ore, calcite, paleontological fossils In front of the booth of the Provincial Natural Resources Department, the science popularization volunteers carefully prepared and enthusiastically explained. The children watched carefully and listened attentively, and learned the evolution of fossils.



"In order to save Li Lang from his home, who expected to be the top player in the imperial list..." The provincial performing arts group performed a wonderful Huangmei Opera, and the teachers and students of Anhui Urban Management Vocational College brought singing, dancing, playing, recitation and other artistic performances. More than 2000 excellent publications prepared by the Provincial Working Committee and the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles were quickly "snapped up" in July Wind, Qingming, Poetry Monthly, Legends and Selected Biographical Literature. The provincial postal company also brought the special stamp exhibition Chaohu to the scene, relying on the stamp "national card" to "send" beautiful Anhui


"Reading tour, reading report meeting, reading essay collection, reading and preaching, the activity arrangement of the 'Reading Month for Provincial Government Offices' is very rich, which not only inherits the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also displays the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Each activity is expected," said Xing Dapeng, an official of the Provincial Civil Affairs Department.

   Passing the power of "politics" for private enterprises

Practice is the foundation of learning. In recent years, with the Party branch as the main body, the provincial authorities focused on the people's urgent needs and the business environment of enterprises, innovatively carried out the action of "striving for a model for the people and enterprises" at the branch level, and continued to transform the learning achievements into a strong driving force to promote work, so that the curling scholarly atmosphere can transmit the "political" energy for the people and enterprises.


Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. The provincial library has brought "E Yuedu" public digital culture service for the benefit of the people, and handled library cards for cadres, workers and the public for free on the spot, so as to deliver the convenience of reading directly to the public. Let's meet and enjoy the spring breeze. Please come to visit Jianghuai River in spring. In front of the booth of the Provincial Culture and Tourism Hall, the popularity is hot. The ticket lottery, tourism route planning, Jianghuai food promotion, cultural and creative products display, cadres and staff ask while watching, and discuss with relatives and friends, how to live up to the great spring of Jianghuai.


In the "Drunken driving is not good" experience area of the Provincial Public Security Department, government officials, staff and citizens wore drunken VR glasses to experience the "road difficulty" after being drunk, and expressed their desire to refuse drunk driving and travel safely. At the scene of the traffic safety flight chess game, the children cheered, followed the traffic police sister to play games, identify signs, learn traffic rules, and rooted the seeds of civilization and law-abiding in their hearts. The cavalry members are brave and brave, and are busy in popularizing France; "How much do you know about traffic signs", and the competition for prize winning knowledge is in full swing The citizens and the police have "zero distance" close contact, and the traffic safety law popularization education is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


"Mountain tea, wild honey, hand dried noodles" "Come and have a taste, scan a code, pay attention" In Xiamen Park, there are a variety of agricultural products, which are full of "local" flavor, as if they were a collection of New Year's goods. The first secretaries in the village have put down the seriousness of "secretaries" and turned into "delivery people". Some of them introduced themselves to the public with the "Certificate of Origin", some poured new tea for the public to taste, and some set up mobile phones to start live broadcast of delivery, trying to help farmers increase income and promote revitalization.


At the activity site, the provincial market supervision bureau organized experts to explain to the citizens the "common sense" of identifying black cotton and silk quilts, the "tips" of choosing and purchasing house decoration floors, and carried out glasses and eye protection lamp testing services for the citizens. The Provincial Sports Bureau organized professionals to conduct physical testing and scientific fitness guidance for citizens on the spot. The staff of the Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources provided personalized services such as jewelry cleaning and identification.


Legal consultation, healthy life, green travel, emergency response, agricultural science and technology, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, meteorological science popularization The cadres and staff from the Provincial Department of Justice, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial Administration Bureau, the Provincial Emergency Department, the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Provincial Seismological Bureau, the Provincial Meteorological Bureau and other units have also carried out the service publicity of "for the people and enterprises", and every booth is crowded with people.


It was noon before we knew it, and the cadres and workers of the government departments were still reluctant to leave, full of harvest, looking forward to next year's study tour.

"Next, we should conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important congratulatory letter sent by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the first National Reading Conference, educate and guide the party members and cadres of provincial organs to take the lead in reading and studying, cultivate their moral integrity and grow their talents, and provide strong ideological guarantee, spiritual motivation and intellectual support for the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui." Zhu Bin, secretary of the working committee of provincial organs, said. (By Gong Weixuan)

Source | Anhui Organ Party Construction Network Edit | Chen Qian