Hefei composer creates three nursery rhymes for children
2024-05-21 Source: Author: Our reporter Wan Huiling share

Hefei composer creates three nursery rhymes for children

Hefei composer creates three nursery rhymes for children



       News from our newspaper In order to welcome the arrival of the "June 1" International Children's Day, the composer Tong Fang from Hefei has continuously participated in the creation of three children's songs with distinctive themes, namely, "Sea Wave Flower", "Little Tree Seedling" and "Three Character Classic of Family Instructions". The songs full of innocence and interest originate from life and transmit positive energy for children.

Tong Fang, 63, is a member of the Chinese Musicians Association. Since his middle school days, he has developed a strong interest in music creation. Over the years, Tong Fang has created more than 400 songs, and many music works have won national awards. This time, in order to actively respond to the creation and promotion plan of "Collection of Children's Songs in the New Era" organized by the China Music Association, Tong Fang led the creation of three children's songs, namely, "Hailanghua", "Little Tree Seedling" and "Three Character Classic of Family Instructions".

The lyrics of these three songs are concise, easy to understand and catchy; In the melody of the song, it is beautiful, lively, relaxed, and has a happy rhythm. In terms of the expression of connotation, it conveys positive values without exception. The song "Sea Wave Flower" praises the spectacular beauty of the sea wave flower through the description of the sea wave flower, which is full of childlike innocence; The song "Little Tree Seedling" uses personification to compare "Little Tree Seedling" to children, inspiring and encouraging children to study hard; The song "Family Instructions Three Character Classic" emphasizes family style education and conveys Chinese excellent traditional culture.

In addition to Tong Fang, these three songs were co written by young musician Tong Ning, lyricist Li Xiaoqian, Li Anmin, etc. Tong Fang said: "These three songs have been written since last year, not by myself, but by our team. The overall music creation span is very long, starting from the creation of music, repeated polishing, modification and processing, and then to audio production."

As a local composer in Hefei, Tong Fang often cannot leave his hometown feelings in his past creation. He has created a series of songs for Hefei, such as "Ballad of the Lord Bao" and "Beautiful Fat East". Tong Fang said, "As a native of Hefei, I want to make some contributions to my hometown and publicize it in the form of songs, which is also my original intention of writing."




Editor: Hu Maoyong

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