Rizhao Shots off in the First National Staff Marathon Series
2024-05-21 Source: Workers' Daily share

At 7:30 a.m. on May 19, the 2024 National Staff Marathon Series (Rizhao Half Marathon Station) with the theme of "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty -- Running for a Better Life" was launched. More than 15000 participants from all over the country and all walks of life gathered in Rizhao, Shandong Province, to "the most beautiful track".

At 7:30 a.m. on May 19, the 2024 National Staff Marathon Series (Rizhao Half Marathon Station) with the theme of "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty -- Running for a Better Life" was launched. More than 15000 participants from all over the country and all walks of life gathered in Rizhao, Shandong Province, to "the most beautiful track". The All China Federation of Trade Unions, the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China, the China Track and Field Association, the Rizhao Municipal Party Committee and the Rizhao Municipal People's Government and other responsible comrades, as well as representatives of the national model workers and workers in the new employment form, jointly fired the order for the competition.

In 2024, the National Staff Marathon Series (Rizhao Half Marathon Station) will set up three events: half marathon (21.0975 km), characteristic square array leading run (6.6 km), and health run (2.5 km). Among them, the characteristic square array of leading model workers is composed of 6000 workers and model workers from various industries, including Jia Tingbo, the national model worker, Zhang Nianhua, the national advanced worker, Zhang Nianli, the winner of the May Day Labor Medal, Zhang Lanxiang, the advanced worker in Shandong Province, Qin Yuhua, the winner of the May Day Labor Medal in Shandong Province, and Rizhao model workers, Concentrate on showing the demeanor of different industries and groups.

The half marathon starts from Rizhao People's Square, passes through Rizhao Botanical Garden, Olympic Park, Dongyi Town, Four Seasons Flower and Bird Garden and Ocean Museum, enters the national tourist resort - Mountain, Sea and Sky from Guanhai Avenue, and goes with the sea all the way to Rizhao National Seaside Forest Park. This track was rated as the "most beautiful track" by the China Association of Athletics.

After fierce competition, Wang Palin won the half marathon men's championship with a time of 1 hour 06:06 seconds, and Huang Xin won the half marathon women's championship with a time of 1 hour 14:53 seconds.

It is reported that the national staff marathon series events are planned to hold three stops every year, with a total scale of about 60000 people.

The event was guided by the All China Federation of Trade Unions, hosted by the Head Office of China Workers' International Travel Service and the Rizhao Municipal People's Government, and provided with technical support by the China Track and Field Association. The Ministry of Publicity and Education of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Shandong Federation of Trade Unions, all national industrial trade unions, China Workers' Cultural and Sports Association, the All China Federation of Trade Unions Cultural and Industrial Troupe, China Workers' Development Foundation, Rizhao Federation of Trade Unions Rizhao Sports Bureau, etc.

Editor: Hu Jiajia

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