Strive for Chinese style modernization, first-line experience | More efficient field management
2024-05-21 Source: People's Daily Author: Zhang Cheng share

Stepping into the modern agricultural demonstration park in Wulateqian Banner, Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, we saw an unmanned planter equipped with Beidou navigation shuttling between the ridges. With the gear rotating, the wheat seeds in the seed box were drilled into the soil row by row, and the drip irrigation belts were also shallowly buried into the soil layer.

Technological upgrading of modern agricultural demonstration park in Wulateqian Banner, Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia

More efficient field management (striving for Chinese modernization, first-line experience)

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "It is the central task of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the new era and new journey to comprehensively promote the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization." Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important speeches, pointing out the way forward for promoting Chinese style modernization with high-quality development.

The current and future period is a critical period for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization. From now on, our newspaper will launch a series of reports on "Striving for Chinese style Modernization, First line News". Editors and reporters will go into villages, communities, enterprises, etc., to show the hot practice of thoroughly implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, solidly and steadily promoting Chinese style modernization in various places with vivid scenes and fresh stories, and encourage the cadres and the masses to unite and strive, In the new journey, we will jointly write a magnificent chapter of Chinese modernization.


The rumbling sound of mechanical farming echoes on the south bank of Wuliangsuhai in Hetao irrigation area.

Stepping into the modern agricultural demonstration park in Wulateqian Banner, Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, we saw an unmanned planter equipped with Beidou navigation shuttling between the ridges. With the gear rotating, the wheat seeds in the seed box were drilled into the soil row by row, and the drip irrigation belts were also shallowly buried into the soil layer.

In June 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection here: "The demonstration park should really play a role in promoting modern agriculture, continue to explore, find varieties, technologies and farming methods suitable for this place, reduce costs, improve benefits, and form replicable and promotable experience."

In the demonstration area of wheat interplanting with pepper, the soil that has just been drip irrigated with the first crop water is still wet. Liu Jun, director of the Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Technology Promotion Center of Urad Qianqi, leans down to observe the wheat seedlings: "The 60 mu 'Bamai 13' wheat is a local excellent variety that we have bred and promoted in recent years. Compared with the main varieties, the annual increase in yield per mu is nearly 100 jin, and the income is nearly 160 yuan."

Between the two wheat planting belts, there are two rows of dry land. In early May, "Beixing 1" pepper seedlings were transplanted here. "After breeding, this variety has a large yield, high color and price, and good market, which is suitable for planting in northwest China. Compared with single wheat, the annual income per mu of land after interplanting is 2000 yuan." Liu Jun said, "Carefully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, and our demonstration garden field management is more efficient."

In the 4000 mu core area of the modern agricultural demonstration park, various new agricultural technologies, new varieties and new models have been continuously explored and upgraded, and then replicated and promoted through centralized pilot demonstration.

Standing at the edge of his own ridge, Liu Yubao, a 55 year old farmer from Saihudong Gacha, watched the rotary tiller rake the soil deep and level, leaving deep and shallow furrows. "I learned 'real skills' in the demonstration area. With the guidance of technical personnel, we also started automatic agricultural machinery, replaced new varieties of high-quality corn, and used dense planting and high-yield cultivation technology. I can earn 70000 yuan more a year on my 200 mu of corn field."

Continue westward along Wuliangsuhai and come to the Yellow River water clarification drip irrigation water fertilizer integration technology demonstration area, only to see a huge clarifier full of Yellow River water.

"Compared with the past, the drip irrigation water fertilizer integration technology can save more than 30% of water, about 20% of fertilizer and about 20% of medicine respectively." Behind Bai Enze, the head of the demonstration park, the clarifier and other facilities will finally realize the integrated output of water and fertilizer after clarification, filtration and other links. "The demonstration park has formulated water-saving and high-yield plans and standards, and has now promoted the integrated technology of water and fertilizer in the whole Banner, covering 1423000 mu."

Driven by the demonstration park, the total grain output of Bayannur City will reach 5.889 billion jin in 2023, an increase of 72 million jin over the previous year; 113 agricultural science and technology demonstration areas and demonstration areas of all levels and types were built, and 95 fine varieties of 31 major categories and 26 modern agricultural production technologies were intensively displayed and popularized. The crop output of various demonstration areas in the city increased by 10% to 15%, and the cost and efficiency per mu were reduced by about 300 yuan.

Amid the roar, an agricultural UAV lifted off from the demonstration park and patrolled the growth of the seedlings along the set route. In the operation room, only one staff member stared at the field patrol screen on the large screen, and monitored the meteorological information, soil conditions, fertilization suggestions, etc. in real time.

"This year, the park will run an unmanned farm management system to collect field data through satellite remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicle field patrol, soil nutrient rapid measuring instrument, etc. When to water, how much water to water, and what fertilizer to lack, can be real-time reminded, making field management more scientific, accurate, and efficient. Only four people are needed for more than 4000 mu of farmland, further reducing costs and increasing efficiency." Bai Enze said.

People's Daily (May 21, 2024, Version 1)

Editor: Hu Jiajia

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