Children of Stars: Equality and Respect in Work
2024-05-21 Source: Author: Our reporter Yu Shanshan share

Children of Stars: Equality and Respect in Work

Children of Stars: Equality and Respect in Work

Others expect their children to grow up, but autistic parents are afraid of their children growing up. "I'm old, what about the child?" As the mother of two autistic children, Chen Chuanfang choked up. This problem is also a common anxiety of all parents with autism, and it is also a barrier across many families. With this question in mind, the reporter visited many auxiliary employment agencies and employment enterprises for autistic patients, approached autistic patients and their families, and tried to find the answer.

When the children of Star grow up

Zi Yi has just passed twenty Birthday, three He was found to suffer from moderate autism at the age of, and with the growth of age, ordinary rehabilitation institutions are no longer suitable for him. Stay at home or try to find a job? The problem of Tao is also the topic of Tao. The road to employment is not easy for everyone, and it is more difficult for autistic patients.

Autism spectrum disorder is a congenital neurodevelopmental disorder. Patients are afraid of contact with others, unable to respond emotionally, and often have language communication barriers and rigid repetitive behaviors. It seems that they are trapped in another world that belongs to them only. Therefore, people with autism are also called "children of stars". According to the statistics of the China Disabled Persons' Federation, about one thousand and two hundred 10000 to two thousand 10000, including more than one thousand And more than half of adult autistic patients. The employment rate of autistic patients is relatively low among the disabled. Some surveys show that the employment rate of older autistic patients is insufficient 5%

In recent years, under the strong promotion of relevant government departments and the continuous attention of social forces, special policies such as rehabilitation and education subsidies for young autistic children have been gradually improved, and the situation of autistic children has been greatly improved. However, when Star's children grow up and become "Star" youth, how can they go out of their homes and participate in social life? How can they get rid of the "loneliness" of employment?

Learning skills such as "toddler"

One day every week, Xu Yan, a special education teacher from Hefei Municipal Service Center for People's Social Work, leads the children to a nearby car wash shop to learn how to wash their cars. The Social Work Service Center for the People, also known as "Happy Courtyard", is located in the first community of the North Second Ring Road in Hefei. The site is provided by the community. here you are thirty Patients with severe autism and children with mental disorders, aged five To twenty-five Between the ages of. "All the children here are those who cannot be accepted by other institutions." Li Quanzhi, director of the People's Social Work Service Center, said, "Here we should not only teach children life skills, but also regulate their behavior and teach them how to adapt to social life. Our goal is to let autistic children go out of their homes, into their communities and into society."

In order for children to have certain labor skills in the future two thousand and twenty-three Since the summer of, the Happiness Yard has selected seven or eight students from their teens to twenties to go to the cooperative car wash regularly. After foaming, flushing and drying, Haohao did not finish smoothly. He kept staring at a place and wiping. "This is the typical symptom of autism patients - stereotypical behavior." Xu Yan introduced. But what the rigid behavior brings to Hao Hao is not all bad. "He will be more focused and persistent, and can better complete his work," said Xu Yan.

Hao Hao is learning to wash the car. (Our reporter Zou Xiaoxiao/photo)


In the face of autistic patients, the owner of the car wash shop, Yang Yuexia, was also worried. "What if they break the car?" In order to dispel the owner's concern, special education teacher Wei Xia used her car as a teaching vehicle. "Although she learned very slowly, she has made great progress, especially Hao Hao, who is very serious," Yang Yuexia said. With more contacts, Yang Yuexia gradually understood and tolerated these autistic children.

Why learn to wash the car? "On the one hand, it is to let children learn certain labor skills and integrate into the society through labor." Li Quanzhi has made plans for this. He said, "On the other hand, we want to open our own car wash shop to solve the employment problem of some children."

Take the first step of employment bravely

In the morning of every working day, Ziyi leaves his home in Baohe District, Hefei City, takes the subway alone, and then transfers to the bus to work at the Nuanyang Auxiliary Workshop in the north of Luyang District.

The warm sun auxiliary workshop is a project led by the government department and undertaken by Hefei Chunya Mutual Aid Association for the Disabled (hereinafter referred to as Chunya Association), which aims to make sixteen Disabled people over one year old can obtain jobs and skills, provide auxiliary employment opportunities, promote their interaction with society, and have equal opportunities to participate in social life. Existing heating auxiliary workshop forty Students, aged eighteen From to fifty Among them, autistic patients ten All patients were mild to moderate. Usually, the workshop will take orders from some surrounding enterprises, such as packaging boxes, paper products and other manual work. The teacher will break down the production process to guide students to make. Ziyi is the last link of this production line. He glued the last two pieces of parts together and stacked them neatly for packing.

In the warm sun auxiliary workshop, the special education teacher is guiding students to make handicrafts. (Our reporter Zou Xiaoxiao/photo)


Students who work in the warm sun auxiliary workshop will have an appointment every month one thousand and six hundred The salary subsidies and social insurance subsidies of RMB yuan have guaranteed the basic living needs of students. In addition, by completing outsourcing orders, students can earn an additional income of four to five hundred yuan to dozens of yuan per month. Chang Hong, secretary-general of Spring Bud Association, said: "The auxiliary workshops provide income for older autistic patients on the one hand, but more importantly, labor brings them equality and respect."

The significance of equality and respect for twenty Yuan Bao, an elderly autistic young man aged 18, said that it was the residents of the community who stopped looking at their frightened eyes and the candy and ice cream that the aunts of the community put in their arms. Yuan Bao is a "special employee" at the clove home site of Shunfeng Express, who is responsible for the "last mile" of door-to-door express delivery. Located in Phase II of Lilac Homeland in Hefei two The Nanqi Street Disabled Home on the first floor of the building is served by the Snail Angel Handicap Service Center in Shushan District, Hefei twenty-three Employees are all disabled, among which the elderly autistic "star" youth have six First name, age twenty About years old. Hefei Shushan District Government allocates a certain amount of funds to the Nanqi Street Disabled People's Home every year. Each rehabilitation teacher has five point five A salary subsidy of 10000 yuan per student per month one thousand six hundred and thirty-eight Yuan salary, social insurance, holiday condolences and other benefits. Nanqi Street provides two hundred SF Express also approved a "treaty of exemption" for the "Star" youth for the square meter housing site. No points will be deducted for complaints about late delivery, which will be handled by SF Express in a unified manner.

Yuan Bao, a 20-year-old autistic youth, is delivering a express delivery (photo provided by interviewees)


two thousand and twenty In, when Yuan Bao and his colleagues first entered the community to deliver express goods, some residents were afraid because they did not understand. The rehabilitation teachers kept doing the ideological work of the residents to gain their understanding and support. At the beginning, in order to help Yuan Bao and his children learn the work process, teachers or parents followed the children far away, and after the delivery, they guided and corrected again and again. After half a year's training, Yuan Bao and his colleagues have been fully familiar with the distribution of buildings in the community, and can independently complete the work of delivery to the door. Since its establishment, express stations have received and sent parcels accumulatively three More than 10000 pieces.

"Now the residents have a high degree of acceptance of the children, and everyone knows Yuan Bao and them." Wang Mei did not expect that the residents not only tolerate them, but also like this special group of children. "When the children are delivered to their homes, many residents will fill them with sugar and ice cream, and when passing by, they will also come in to see the children."

Autism does not mean no employability

Whether it is a happy courtyard, a warm sun auxiliary workshop or a home for the disabled in Nanqi Street, they are like a home, opening their gentle arms to shelter the autistic under their wings. Many parents are satisfied with their children's current status. Some parents are worried that their children will be discriminated against and hurt in the society, and they do not want their children to take another step towards the society. "In fact, some students have a strong desire to work. Through training and counseling, they can go out to work." Guo Jiyun, a tutor at the Warm Sun Auxiliary Workshop, said, "Autism and mental disorder do not mean that they have no employability."

Yang Ming This year forty-six I was years old, and my mother has seventy I am more than ten years old, and the question "What will I do in the future?" is extremely urgent. Fortunately, Yang Ming received rehabilitation training in the warm sun auxiliary workshop three Years later, he has been employed as a cleaning employee of Hefei Yuanyi Hilton Hotel. Yang Ming is mainly responsible for cleaning the hotel every morning six spot fifty Li Yanan, the manager of the public area of the hotel and Yang Ming's boss, gave a thumbs up to this: "Master Yang has never been late for work in the past six months, which is very commendable!"

In the first two months of Yang Ming's work, Guo Jiyun also followed him to "work" and took Yang Ming to learn the work steps. Guo Jiyun did not withdraw from the assistance until Yang Ming could work independently. Now Guo Jiyun also needs to pay a regular return visit to help Yang Ming solve new problems in his work. "Caring enterprises provide such a good opportunity for our students. We cannot completely transfer the responsibility for management risks and training skills to enterprises." Chang Hong said, "And students with autism and mental disorders need lifelong support and need continuous follow-up from rehabilitation institutions. If they do not follow up in time, they may lead to unemployment, which we do not want to see."

"Why should we persist in promoting the social employment of people with autism and mental disorders?" Chang Hong believes that: on the one hand, it is to increase the society's understanding, understanding and tolerance of them, give them the opportunity to prove that they are competent for this job, and let the public have a correct understanding of them. On the other hand, to increase the confidence of parents, when children have the ability to take care of themselves, they will have the ability to live at home, have a job opportunity and be able to continue this work, which is the greatest support for families with autism.

Now Yang Ming has about one thousand and eight hundred RMB, and other subsidies such as full attendance award, five insurances and one pension, shop age salary, etc. In addition, the Hilton Yuanyi Hotel is also dedicated to five Five disabled employees purchased a risk protection package for the disabled. "We hope that disabled employees can work here with ease, integrate into our collective, and play their abilities and values," said Zhang Liubing, general manager of Yuanyi Hilton Hotel. The stable work and income have guaranteed Yang Ming's future, and also let Yang Ming's mother breathe a sigh of relief.


"Star" youth are eager to be seen by more people

"I am 70 years old this year and have worked for the cause of the disabled for half my life. Promoting the landing of the 'happy village' is my last goal in life," said Li Quanzhi. On April 1, an art performance for autistic people named "Dream of Stars" was held in Hefei Youth Activity Center. Li Quanzhi, Wang Wenna, member of Hefei CPPCC, and others introduced the "Happy Village" project, a charity village for autism treatment and education. The "Happy Village" plan provides the space, office area and training place for autistic patients to live, study, live and grow, as well as part of the field as an agricultural treatment base. Li Quanzhi hopes that autistic patients can achieve self-sufficiency in the village, establish a model of "auxiliary employment+maintenance", truly solve the problem of "how do they do when we are old", and inject fresh "blood" into the "hollow village" to promote rural revitalization. This project plan has been supported and advocated by the national model worker, Xia Li, a representative of Anhui Provincial People's Congress, and many CPPCC members in Hefei. However, the search for a base and the investment of funds are all "hard bones".

Not only parents and rehabilitation institutions are working hard, but more and more people have begun to pay attention to the employment of older autistic groups in recent years.

two thousand and twenty-four During the two sessions in, proposals and suggestions on autism received much attention. In the Proposal on Promoting the Construction of a High Quality Autism Care Support System, the People's Progressive Central Committee proposed to support the elderly autism service institutions to accelerate their development and increase government purchase of services; We will strengthen the development of special jobs and employment opportunities, and give preferential policies and rewards to enterprises or organizations that employ people with autism.

Everything has spirit, and the light shines on the new life. For older autistic youth, employment is equivalent to illuminating the lonely world. They need to be seen, so that more people can understand, tolerate and accept them, and give them employment support within their ability to bring hope for their future.

In the golden wheat field, the children in the happy yard are running freely and happily. (Courtesy of respondents)


The students of the Happiness Yard carry out social integration activities outdoors. (Courtesy of respondents)




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Edited by: Yu Shanshan

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