Hefei Public Security Helps Enterprises and Protects Enterprises to Recover 718 Million Yuan of Economic Losses Since Last Year
2024-05-19 Source: Author: Jiang Yunfan, reporter of Hegong New Daily share

Hefei Public Security Helps Enterprises and Protects Enterprises to Recover 718 Million Yuan of Economic Losses Since Last Year

Hefei Public Security Helps Enterprises and Protects Enterprises to Recover 718 Million Yuan of Economic Losses Since Last Year


   Recently, the reporter learned from Hefei Public Security Economic Investigation Department that since 2023, Hefei Public Security Bureau has helped enterprises to recover 718 million yuan of various economic losses in accordance with the law, and the Economic Crime Reporting Center has accepted 2111 cases.

Screening of "physical examination" risk 387 times

On April 28, in the conference room of a company in Hefei High tech Zone, Xu Xuesong, a police officer from the Economic Investigation Brigade of Hefei High tech Branch of the Public Security Bureau, and others told a case to remind employees of the rule of law and the bottom line of the law. "The law popularization publicity is mainly aimed at the types of crimes that are easy to occur and frequently committed by enterprise employees, such as the disclosure of trade secrets, occupation of duties, and misappropriation of funds," said Xu Xuesong.

In recent years, due to the weak awareness of risk control, some enterprises are prone to post embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, commercial bribery and other crimes, and such crimes are often hidden and harmful. In order to prevent such crimes, in January this year, Hefei Public Security Bureau led more than 30 leading enterprises in the industry to establish the "Hefei Federation of Duty Crime Prevention in Enterprises".

Rely on the Federation's police to carry out activities such as laws and regulations publicity, prevention education and training, case discussion, etc., to help enterprises improve their ability to prevent risks of internal duty crimes, which will extend their services from fighting crimes to crime prevention. Up to now, the Federation has organized 6 large-scale propaganda activities on the prevention of internal job-related crimes and received more than 200 enterprise consultations.

In addition, the economic investigation department has set up a special window for enterprise reporting to facilitate enterprise consultation and reporting. Since 2023, it has received 513 enterprise related consultations and 267 enterprise reports. On this basis, the city's public security economic investigation department has become a "light cavalry", visiting enterprises 554 times, troubleshooting risks 387 times, and helping enterprises solve 152 practical problems.

Solving 2111 cases of "difficulty in filing"

"At the case receiving center, the information reported by the masses is accepted by the staff, and then reviewed collectively by the economic investigation, legal police and lawyers, newspaper The filing process is transparent, fair, efficient and convenient. " Within three days, Li Chenghua, a lawyer from Anhui Haohua Law Firm, received the case acceptance notice issued by the public security organ for his client.

After the case is accepted, the materials will be automatically transferred from the case handling system to the corresponding economic investigation brigade of the public security branch, and will be checked and supervised by a specially assigned person, leaving traces online throughout the process. Wang Hao, the leader of the Economic Investigation Detachment of Hefei Public Security Bureau, said: "We regularly report the situation of overdue cases, implement the 'screening' internal audit for cases that are not filed, and the legal department will review them, and timely inform relief channels of cases that do not meet the criteria for filing, so as to resolutely prevent cases from not being filed or suppressed."

In recent years, Hefei Public Security Bureau has promoted the reform of economic crime case filing, built a "one master and multiple branches" working pattern of economic crime case receiving center, unified case filing standards, standardized law enforcement processes, and solved the problem of difficulty in filing economic crime cases reported by enterprises. Since 2023, the Economic Crime Reporting Center of Hefei Public Security Bureau has received 6250 reports, 5753 people and 2111 cases.

Cooperate to prevent economic and financial risks

    On May 6, Hefei Public Security Bureau and Hefei Procuratorate jointly issued the Opinions on Promoting the Compliance Work of Enterprises Involved in the Case in Coordination, which standardized the case handling, follow-up process and disposal methods of enterprises involved in the compliance investigation stage; Cooperate with the special risk prevention and control team in the financial (investment and operation) field of the municipal stakeholders, carry out in-depth joint law enforcement inspection, and implement supervision and scheduling for 31 stakeholder risk subjects.

At the same time, we jointly issued the Work Plan on Improving the Comprehensive Supervision System to Promote the Standardized and Orderly Development of Commercial Franchising, together with the commerce, market supervision and other departments, to detect a number of commercial franchising fraud cases; Strengthen the regional cooperation ability with the Yangtze River Delta, and successively carry out police cooperation with Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and other places in new crime early warning, key case clue research and judgment, and law enforcement cooperation in different places.

Duty embezzlement, contract fraud... Combating economic crimes requires the police not only to have professional legal knowledge, but also to have modern economic, financial and other knowledge. To this end, Hefei Public Security Economic Investigation Department has increased talent cultivation and capacity building, and strengthened the professional team of economic investigation. At present, 14 people from Hefei's public security economic investigation system have been selected into the professional talent pool of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Public Security Department, 42 have passed the judicial examination, and 20 have obtained professional qualifications in accounting, finance, etc.


Editor: Jiang Yunfan

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