He Shushan emphasized on strengthening the operation and maintenance management and better serving outdoor workers by taking the "New Double 15 Project" of the labor union post station as the starting point at the provincial labor union post station construction promotion meeting
2024-05-17 Source: Anhui Industrial Network Author: Meng Jin, Guo Pingwei share

He Shushan emphasized on strengthening the operation and maintenance management and better serving outdoor workers by taking the "New Double 15 Project" of the labor union post station as the starting point at the provincial labor union post station construction promotion meeting

He Shushan stressed at the provincial labor union post station construction promotion meeting

As a labor union post station "New Double 15 Project" as the starting point

Strengthen operation and maintenance management   Better serve outdoor workers

Xu Facheng presides over the meeting

  The site of the provincial labor union post station construction promotion meeting. Chang Kun/Photo

On May 16, 2024, the provincial labor union post station construction promotion meeting was held in the form of video conference. He Shushan, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and the first convener of the joint meeting on the construction of the provincial outdoor worker service station (trade union post), attended and delivered a speech. He stressed that we should continue to promote the construction of the labor union post station with a higher position, more practical measures and more strict style, highlight its role, strengthen operation and maintenance management, and strive to build the labor union post station into a "bright brand" serving workers. Xu Facheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Vice Chairman and Convener of the Joint Meeting of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the meeting.

The conference conveyed and learned the spirit and In the spirit of the joint meeting between the provincial government and the provincial federation of trade unions in 2023, the advanced collectives and individuals in the labor competition for the construction of the provincial trade union relay station in 2023 were commended in a circular, and the next step of the construction of the trade union relay station was deployed. Seven units, including Anhui Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration, Wuhu City, Tongling City, Huangshan City, Ningguo City, Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone, and PetroChina Anhui Sales Branch, made exchange speeches.

He Shushan fully affirmed in his speech Since 2023 Achievements made in the construction of labor union stations in the province Under the overall coordination of the joint meeting on the construction of the provincial outdoor labor service station (labor union post station), the construction of the labor union post station has been included in the province for two consecutive years Taking 50 practical matters of people's livelihood as an opportunity, all units and departments insisted on putting the construction of trade union post stations in a prominent position, with proper understanding, organization, measures and work style. The province has invested a total of 312 million yuan, built 13454 trade union post stations, ranked first in the country in terms of the total number of post stations and annual work evaluation, successfully completed the set goals and tasks, and was fully recognized by the party and government The staff are generally welcome and the society has a positive response.

He Shushan requested that we should deeply understand the significance of strengthening the construction of trade union post stations, further enhance our sense of responsibility, truly take the construction of trade union post stations as a specific measure to implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and pay close attention to it as a practical action to serve outdoor workers. We should improve the joint meeting system for the construction of provincial trade union posts, All member units of the joint meeting should firmly establish The idea of "one game of chess", according to the division of responsibilities, takes the initiative and actively cooperates to form a strong working force. Trade union organizations at all levels in the province should earnestly fulfill the responsibility of taking the lead in the general management, further integrate the resources of government departments, enterprises and public institutions, social organizations and other parties, and increase the investment in funds, sites, facilities, etc, Detailed implementation of inventory and closed-loop promotion We should continue to improve our work style, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts and adjusting measures to local conditions, take the actual needs of outdoor workers as the guide, give play to the service function of the post station and improve the service quality as the purpose, and steadily and cautiously carry out the construction of intelligent post stations step by step by level, classification and stratification. We should strengthen publicity to increase the popularity, so that more outdoor workers can timely understand and enjoy the labor union's courier service, and continue to improve the attraction and influence of the labor union's courier service.

When chairing the meeting, Xu Facheng stressed that building a good trade union post is an important carrier and a powerful starting point for trade union organizations to conscientiously perform their basic responsibilities of rights protection services, and trade union organizations at all levels in the province should anchor "By 2024, 15000 labor union stations will be built in the province, from which 2300 will be upgraded to 24-hour intelligent ones, and 2300 will be pushed to become the most beautiful labor union stations at all levels, serving 10 million outdoor workers every year." The target task is to vigorously implement the "four improvements" action of the construction, management, use and brand of labor union stations, and do a solid job in selecting the most beautiful labor union stations Focus on intelligent post station construction, continue to optimize the site layout, and focus on improving service efficiency. We should strengthen the secret investigation work of the trade union post station, promote the transformation of the trade union post station from "whether it is good or not" to "whether it is good or not", ensure that the trade union post station can be built, become a family, and play a role, and truly do a good job of the trade union post station, which benefits people's livelihood, solves people's concerns, and warms people's hearts.

Comrades in charge of the member units of the Joint Conference and liaison officers, and the main responsible comrades of all departments of the provincial federation of trade unions, all industrial trade unions, and some directly affiliated units; The special shift personnel of the provincial federation of trade unions to promote the construction of the labor union post station attended the meeting in the main venue. Comrades in charge and liaison officers of the member units of the joint meeting on the construction of outdoor worker service stations (trade union post stations) in cities and directly administered counties (cities), and the main responsible comrades of the municipal federation of trade union organs and departments attended the meeting in the branch venue.

Editor: Liu Yanling

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