"Warming the Heart and Benefiting the Teachers" special care activity for rural teachers will be launched in 2024
2024-05-16 Source: Worker's Daily Client share

Rural teachers are the key to the development of rural education and the basic support for more equitable and high-quality rural education. On May 9, the China Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports Union launched a special care activity for rural teachers in 2024 at Zhongyi Primary School, Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing, to express condolences to 300 outstanding teachers who have been rooted in rural schools for more than 30 years. Relevant leaders of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and main responsible comrades of Chongqing Federation of Trade Unions attended the event, and the China Education, Science, Health and Sports Union presented condolences to teachers' representatives.

Original title: "Warming the Heart and Benefiting Teachers" 2024 Special Care Activity for Rural Teachers Launched

Worker's Daily - Zheng Li, reporter of China Industrial Network

Rural teachers are the key to the development of rural education and the basic support for more equitable and high-quality rural education. On May 9, the China Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports Union launched a special care activity for rural teachers in 2024 at Zhongyi Primary School, Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing, to express condolences to 300 outstanding teachers who have been rooted in rural schools for more than 30 years. Relevant leaders of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and main responsible comrades of Chongqing Federation of Trade Unions attended the event, and the China Education, Science, Health and Sports Union presented condolences to teachers' representatives.


This activity is a demonstration activity, which aims to drive the education trade unions at all levels of the country to care for rural teachers, better serve rural teachers, and contribute trade union strength to rural education. After the launch ceremony, the provincial education, science, health and sports (education) trade unions will independently carry out the care and care activities for rural teachers in combination with local conditions, and contribute to the development of rural education.

It is reported that education trade unions at all levels will conduct in-depth research at the grass-roots level, listen to the voice of the majority of front-line teachers, and understand the practical difficulties and problems of rural teachers in work, life, learning and other aspects. At the same time, actively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of rural teachers, participate in formulating and promoting the implementation of relevant policies and measures, care about the physical and mental health of rural teachers, actively organize colorful recreational and sports activities, friendship activities, recuperation, etc., regularly carry out mental health lectures, psychological consultation and other activities, and continue to carry out normal warmth giving activities, Efforts should be made to solve the problem of "anxiety and hope" of rural teachers. The education trade unions at all levels will also give play to the work advantages of ideological and political guidance of workers, encourage rural teachers to base themselves on the rural land and become promoters and practitioners of rural revitalization and rural education modernization, and organize outstanding winners of the "Youth Education Competition" to carry out tour lectures and demonstration classes in underdeveloped areas of education, We will support qualified regions to open rural teacher tracks in labor and skill competitions, and help strengthen teacher ethics and teaching capacity.

Editor: Sun Qing

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