Wuhu's first new business platform (live broadcast e-commerce) labor dispute mediation organization was established
2024-05-15 Source: Author: Chen Min share

Wuhu's first new business platform (live broadcast e-commerce) labor dispute mediation organization was established

Wuhu The first new business platform in the city (live broadcast e-commerce) Establishment of labor dispute mediation organization

News from our newspaper Recently, Wuhu The first labor dispute mediation organization of the city's new business platform (live broadcast e-commerce) "Anhui Slash Plaza E-commerce Co., Ltd. Labor Dispute Mediation Committee" was officially established.

in recent years, Wuhu The city insists Under the working principle of "prevention first, grassroots first, mediation first", 2215 grassroots labor and personnel dispute mediation organizations were established, which played an important role in building harmonious labor relations and maintaining social stability. However, with the rapid development of digital economy and platform economy, the city has gathered more than 400 new business enterprises and attracted more than 10000 people for employment. How to protect the rights and interests of workers in the new employment form and build a legal business environment has become a new topic for human resources and social security departments. The establishment of the labor dispute mediation committee of Anhui Slash Plaza E-commerce Co., Ltd. filled the gap in the mediation organization of labor disputes in the city's new business, marking a new step in the protection of labor rights and interests of employees in Wuhu's new business. It is reported that the mediation committee radiates more than 60 new business enterprises and nearly 1000 new business practitioners on the service platform.

Wuhu The head of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Department said that, Wuhu The city will strengthen the guidance of labor dispute prevention, solidly promote the source governance of labor relations, unblock the channels for the expression of workers' interests, improve the path of negotiation and internal settlement of labor disputes, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment, and promote the standardized, healthy and sustainable development of enterprises in new forms of employment.

Editor: Zhang Enjie

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