2024 Staff Skills Advanced Class of Anhui New Energy Automobile Craftsman College Jianghuai Campus Opens
May 6, 2024 Source: Anhui Workers Daily Author: Li Dawei, Hu Chuanzhao share

2024 Staff Skills Advanced Class of Anhui New Energy Automobile Craftsman College Jianghuai Campus Opens

2024 Staff Skills Advanced Class of Anhui New Energy Automobile Craftsman College Jianghuai Campus Opens

        News from our newspaper A few days ago, the 2024 staff skills advanced class of Anhui New Energy Automobile Craftsman College, Jianghuai Campus, organized by the provincial machinery and metallurgy trade union, opened. Zhang Wenjing, the first level inspector of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

Zhang Wenjing pointed out in her speech that the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions attached great importance to the construction of skilled talents in the new energy automobile industry, established Anhui New Energy Automobile Craftsman College in conjunction with relevant departments directly under the provincial government, and set up two campuses of Jiangqi and Chery in the first batch, committed to promoting the development of the new energy automobile industry and broadening the way to cultivate skilled talents, To provide a solid support for high skilled talents to promote the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry in our province.

She said that Jiangqi Group conscientiously promoted the construction of Jianghuai Campus, took the initiative to meet the development needs of the new energy vehicle industry and the actual needs of enterprises, innovatively put forward the "six step work method" of "building training evaluation competition recruitment publicity" for skilled personnel training, and made useful exploration in strengthening the training and selection of skilled personnel. She asked the Provincial Machinery and Metallurgy Trade Union to further strengthen the guidance, support and promotion of the construction of Jianghuai Campus, and actively explore a new model of campus construction that can be copied, used for reference and promoted.

She encouraged the trainees to cherish the rare learning opportunities, take the model craftsman representatives in the automobile industry of our province as examples, study technology and practice skills diligently, aspire to be a skilled craftsman, Anhui craftsman, and a great craftsman, lead more employees to take the path of becoming skilled and serving the country with skills, and help the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry of our province.

It is reported that this new energy automobile workers' skill upgrading class is the first skill upgrading project carried out by Anhui New Energy Automobile Craftsman College Jianghuai Campus this year, and nearly 150 employees participated in this training.


Editor: Xu Xiaodong

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