The first nationwide collective contract for truck drivers was signed
2024-05-06 Source: Workers' Daily Author: Qu Xinyue share

The first nationwide collective contract for truck drivers was signed

The first nationwide collective contract for truck drivers was signed

        News from our newspaper A few days ago, the first network wide workers' congress in the network freight industry under the guidance of the All China Federation of Trade Unions was held in Hefei. At the meeting, the first nationwide collective contract for truck drivers was launched on the Luge platform, covering more than 3.8 million truck drivers.

On the same day, a total of 121 staff representatives, including 70 truck drivers, attended the first staff congress (expansion) meeting of the Luge platform (the whole network), at which the Measures for the Implementation of the Luge Platform Staff Congress (expansion) Meeting and the Luge platform wide collective contract for the protection of the rights and interests of truck drivers (hereinafter referred to as the "collective contract") were reviewed and approved.

The Collective Contract clearly responds to the freight revenue, transportation security, transportation safety, negotiation and coordination mechanism and other rights and interests protection issues that the truck driver group is most concerned about. For example, it is stipulated that freight revenue of truck drivers should be determined according to the completion of transportation orders, and the standard is related to the nature of goods, distance, route difficulty and other factors; Establish a "online+offline" mutual aid system to provide truck drivers with a full chain of road mutual aid and rescue services; Urge the shipper to avoid fatigue driving, and reasonably determine the working time and delivery time limit of goods; It is required to solve the driver's problems through consultation and coordination to ensure the driver's right to know and participate; Under the guidance of the trade union, ensure the right of drivers to join the club and promote online membership.

The person in charge of the China Seamen's Construction Trade Union said that the convening of the Workers' Congress and the signing of the collective contract across the network have provided a legal channel for truck drivers on the Luge platform to express their demands, and have also established a stable negotiation channel between the platform enterprises and truck drivers, which will help promote the progress of the entire industry in the protection of truck drivers' rights and interests, Provide power for high-quality development of the industry.

After the meeting, the All China Federation of Trade Unions, together with Anhui Federation of Trade Unions and Hefei Federation of Trade Unions, provided free physical examination and legal consultation services for truck drivers and their families attending the meeting.

In February this year, the General Assembly formulated and issued the Notice on Further Promoting the Participation and Service of Truck Drivers, which clearly defined that the participation and service of truck drivers should be promoted nationwide, striving to develop more than 1 million new truck driver members nationwide by the end of 2024, and achieve more than 5 million truck driver members nationwide by the end of 2026, Basically covering all active truck drivers. At the same time, trade unions at all levels are required to speed up the construction of the "driver's home" and further improve the working conditions and quality of life of truck drivers.


Editor: Xu Xiaodong

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