Good People around | Zhao Quanxi: Interpreting "Promise and Promise" with Actions
2024-05-06 Source: Author: Zhao Rui share

Good People around | Zhao Quanxi: Interpreting "Promise and Promise" with Actions

Zhao Quanxi: Interpreting "One Promise, One Thousand Gold" with Actions

On April 23, in the first quarter of 2024, "Anhui Good Man" was released, and Zhao Quanxi, a fitter in Tongling Nonferrous Dongguashan Copper Mine's beneficiation workshop, was selected. After the master was diagnosed as a vegetable, he wholeheartedly took care of the master and his father with disabled left leg, nearly blind mother, unemployed wife and young daughter, and fulfilled his promise to take care of the master's family with his actions

In December 2005, Yang Ping, Zhao Quanxi's teacher, was unconscious on the spot due to a sudden accident when he was working. After being rescued by the hospital, Yang Ping's life was saved, but he never woke up. He was finally diagnosed as a vegetable and still lies in his hospital bed. Yang Ping's parents were over sixty that year, His father Unable to take care of themselves due to the disability of the left leg, mother Due to congenital blindness in the right eye, the wife has just lost her job, and her daughter Meimei is still in the second grade of primary school. The fall of Yang Ping was nothing short of a natural disaster for the family. Zhao Quanxi, who learned the news, rushed to the hospital to calm the Yang family, saying that he would help them tide over the difficulties, and promised Yang Ping in his bed that he would help him take care of the family.

For most of the following six months, Zhao Quanxi helped Meimei pick her up after work every day, and took over from Yang Ping's wife to take care of Yang Ping at night after she sent her to the hospital. When he arrived at the hospital, he would first check Yang Ping's condition to see if there was any urine or urine that needed cleaning, then give him nasal feeding, and help him turn over and massage according to the doctor's instructions to prevent muscle atrophy. Because he had a lot of communication with doctors, every time Yang Ping had to do an examination, the hospital would notify Zhao Quanxi to come to the scene. No matter how busy he is, Zhao Quanxi will always rush to the hospital at the first time, pick up and take Yang Ping to the hospital for examination. "It's really not easy to carry a nearly 140 kg vegetable into a wheelchair, push it to do various inspections, and lift it up and down in the testing instrument room." Zhao Quanxi said that he only hoped that Yang Ping would wake up as soon as possible.

"In these years, I have the energy to do these things, and I want to thank my wife most." Zhao Quanxi said that when Yang Ping had an accident, his daughter was just over one year old, and it was just when someone needed to take care of her that her wife took on more responsibilities. In 2007, shortly after Yang Ping's condition stabilized, Zhao Quanxi's father diagnosed advanced gastric cancer. At that time, Zhao Quanxi basically lived in the hospital, and ran back and forth between two sick rooms, carrying two families with one shoulder, taking care of both patients very well. In 2013, 15 year old Mei Mei was admitted to a secondary technical school in Hefei. Yang Ping's wife chose to rent a house to accompany her to study in Hefei, and also worked to earn money. Before leaving, she entrusted Zhao Quanxi with all the important and trivial matters of the Yang family, and she came back every weekend to take care of Yang Ping.

Since then, the doors and windows of the Yang family need to be repaired, the light bulbs need to be replaced, and the grain and oil need to be added, all of which are done with the help of Zhao Quanxi. After successfully helping Yang Ping apply for a disability certificate, Zhao Quanxi also applied for a disability certificate for Yang Ping's parents, a blind cane and a blind radio for Yang Ping's mother, and a wheelchair for Yang Ping's father. As long as the old couple has a headache, they think of Zhao Quanxi at the first time. In their eyes, Zhao Quanxi is like his own son, who has already become a family. It is gratifying that Mei Mei opened a pet medical store in Hefei after her graduation, and her life is getting better and better. Under the guidance of Zhao Quanxi, he 's daughter is also sensible and progressive, and often accompanies father Go to visit Yang Ping's parents, and He was admitted to Sun Yat sen University in 2022.

Editor: Jiang Yunfan

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