The Labor Competition Conference of Anhui Province to Celebrate the "May Day" and Build "Three Regions and One District" and Build "Seven Strong Provinces" was held
2024-04-29 Source: Author: Li Lin, reporter of our newspaper He Xuefei (photographer Chang Kun) share

The Labor Competition Conference of Anhui Province to Celebrate the "May Day" and Build "Three Regions and One District" and Build "Seven Strong Provinces" was held

Celebration in Anhui Province "May Day" and "Three Places and One District"

build "Seven Strong Provinces" Labor Competition Conference convene

Han Jun gives instructions    Yu Aihua attended the meeting and delivered a speech   Hosted by He Shushan


Our News April twenty-eight day lower In the afternoon, Anhui Province celebrated The Labor Competition Conference of "May Day" and Building "Three Cities and One District" into "Seven Strong Provinces" was held in Hefei. Han Jun, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, gave instructions, and on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Government, extended holiday greetings to the vast number of working people in the province, warmly congratulated the advanced collectives and individuals who were commended, and expressed sincere condolences to trade union organizations at all levels and the vast number of trade union cadres. Yu Aihua, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He Shushan, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the meeting, Qian Sanxiong, Deputy Governor of the Provincial People's Government and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department Zhou Xi'an, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee Tian Yunpeng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and President of the Provincial High People's Court Chen Wu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate etc. Attend the meeting.

Han Jun pointed out in the instructions Labor creates brilliance, and struggle makes great achievements. In recent years, the majority of employees and working people in the province have made important contributions to the promotion of high-quality development of Anhui based on their posts and hard work. At present, Anhui is in the rising and critical period of accumulation, strong momentum and great potential. The employees and working people in the province should vigorously carry forward the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, work hard and study hard to create "Three places and one district" and building "seven strong provinces" make new and greater contributions. Party committees (leading groups) at all levels should strengthen their leadership over trade union work, fully stimulate the labor enthusiasm and innovation and creativity of workers and working people, and accelerate the construction of a knowledge-based, skilled and innovative industrial workforce. Trade unions at all levels should conscientiously perform their basic duties of rights protection services, actively do good things for the vast number of workers and solve difficult problems, and strive to make labor the most glorious, the most noble, the greatest, and the most beautiful become a common practice in the Yangtze Huaihe River Delta.

Yu Aihua pointed out in his speech that, The vast number of workers in the province should learn new ideas, unswervingly follow the General Secretary, forge ahead on a new journey, and make contributions to a new era. We should be a good host, take the lead in daring to initiate, take the lead in taking the lead, and set an example in unity. We should practice hard skills, grow into talents with skills, start businesses and work with skills, and serve the Party and the country with skills. We should show our skills, do our best, and show our strengths in all walks of life. We should carry forward the new fashion, make it a common practice to work hard, be industrious, and become rich through hard work, and make it a fashion to worship, learn, and strive to be model workers. All local departments should always adhere to the principle of relying wholeheartedly on the working class, provide more support for trade union work, create better conditions "The stories of model workers are more moving, and the skills of model workers are handed down.".

Qian Sanxiong Announces Has The awards of the National May Day Labor Award and the Worker Pioneer of our province were read out Has About Commendation Decision on Advanced Collectives, Advanced Individuals, May Day Labor Award and Pioneer Workers of Anhui Province in 2023 Hefei Xinyihua Intelligent Machine Co., Ltd. was awarded by the Provincial Labor Competition Committee and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions 160 units are advanced collectives of Anhui Provincial Labor Competition in 2023, and 53 units including Hefei Xinqi Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd. are awarded Anhui May Day Labor Awards; Awarded 291 comrades including Ding Yong advanced individuals in the 2023 Anhui Provincial Labor Competition, and awarded the May Day Labor Medal of Anhui Province; Hefei Xieli Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the "Pioneer Worker of Anhui Province" to 260 collectives including the team of the processing center; Awarded 381 gold medal employees in Anhui Province, including Yang Zhenyu.

Xu Facheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions Has Work Arrangement for 2024 Provincial Labor and Skills Competition In 2024, the Provincial Labor Competition Committee and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions will organize 10 provincial demonstration contests, 10 provincial special contests, and 274 provincial vocational skill contests for workers in different types of work around the goal and task of building "three places and one district" and building "seven strong provinces", which will lead to a wide range of labor and skill contests at all levels; Strengthen the "one game" pattern of party and government support, trade union leadership, linkage and joint promotion, strengthen exchanges and cooperation, improve the working mechanism, increase publicity, and constantly improve the quality and level of labor and skills competition work in the province.

The conference presented awards to the representatives of the National May Day Labor Award, the National Worker Pioneer, the advanced collectives and individuals of the provincial labor competition, and the representatives of the Provincial May Day Labor Award and the Provincial Worker Pioneer. Hu Chaobin, advanced collective representative of the provincial labor competition, secretary of the Party Committee of the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory (Tiandu Laboratory), Li Meixian, advanced personal representative of the provincial labor competition and deputy director of the Production Infrastructure Department of Huainan State Power Investment New Energy Co., Ltd., delivered speeches at the conference; Changsha Xiang, the winner of the provincial May 1st Labor Medal and the cabin attendant of China Eastern Airlines Anhui Branch, read out the proposal.

He Shushan pointed out that, Provincial Party Committee Fully recognize the important contributions made by the vast number of employees and working people in Anhui Province to promote high-quality development, and make contributions to the vast number of employees and working people To Ardent expectations And the majority of trade union cadres put forward a clear request that we should carefully study and understand, and do a good job in implementing. We should always adhere to the correct political direction, concentrate on the overall situation of the service center, do a solid job in rights protection services, effectively play the role of a bridge link, continue to promote the construction of trade unions that are service-oriented, systematic, brand oriented, innovative, digital and intelligent, and organize and mobilize the vast number of workers and the masses of the province Make new and greater contributions to the writing of the chapter of Chinese style modernization of Anhui.

Leaders of member units of the provincial labor competition committee and relevant units directly under the provincial government, and members of the leading group of the provincial federation of trade unions; Representatives of National and Provincial May Day Labor Awards and Workers Pioneer; Award winning representatives of advanced collectives and advanced individuals in provincial labor competitions; The main responsible comrades of the municipal federation of trade unions, the provincial directly administered county (city) federation of trade unions, the main responsible comrades of the provincial federation of trade unions and the provincial and provincial industrial trade unions; Representatives of the staff and workers attended the conference.

Celebration in Anhui Province The Labor Competition of "May Day" and Building "Three Places and One District" to Build "Seven Strong Provinces"

The conference presented awards for the National May Day Labor Award, the National Worker Pioneer, the advanced collectives and individuals of the provincial labor competition, the provincial May Day Labor Award and the provincial worker Pioneer

Editor: He Xuefei

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