Huaibei: "Intangible Cultural Heritage" Market in Colleges and Universities
April 14, 2024 Source: Anhui Workers Daily Author: Li Xin share

Huaibei: "Intangible Cultural Heritage" Market in Colleges and Universities

Huaibei: "Intangible Cultural Heritage" Market in Colleges and Universities

On April 13, in Huaibei Normal University (Binhu Campus), Lieshan District, Huaibei City, students were shopping for non heritage cultural and creative products and tasting intangible cultural heritage food.

On the same day, Huaibei City carried out the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Market on Campus" activity at Huaibei Normal University, bringing traditional intangible cultural heritage culture, goods and food, such as Huaibei local intangible cultural heritage dough figurines, handmade sachets, Linhuan horseshoe baked cakes, noodles, clay figurines, sugar paintings, etc. to the campus of colleges and universities, which was welcomed by students.

Editor: Xu Xiaodong

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