Staff Roundtable | "Nursing workers" work with certificates and marked prices, which is an exploration of industry standardization
2024-03-17 Source: Author: Guan Yubing share

Staff Roundtable | "Nursing workers" work with certificates and marked prices, which is an exploration of industry standardization

It is an exploration of the standardization of the industry for "nursing workers" to work with certificates and clearly mark prices


"It's a great honor to be the first batch of people to obtain a special professional competence certificate!" Fang Fang, the medical nurse of the People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, who was one of the first batch to obtain a special professional competence certificate for patient care, told reporters that after six years as a "nurse", she can finally "work with a certificate".

Fang Fang's "work with certificate" benefits from Guangxi's reform. According to the relevant plan, Guangxi will promote the unified registration, training, evaluation, dressing, identification and management of medical nurses, and deepen the professionalization, specialization, standardization and standardization of medical nurses. The change brought to the nursing industry is that it has become the new normal of the industry to clearly mark prices and work with certificates.

At present, the "private escort" commonly used in medical institutions can make up for the shortage of medical nurses to a certain extent, but there are safety and dispute hidden dangers such as lack of professional training, low skill level, weak service awareness, and failure to purchase relevant insurance. This change in Guangxi means that the nursing industry is gradually becoming standardized and professional, and also provides more transparent and reliable nursing guarantee for patients and their families.

Explicit pricing effectively solves the problem of opaque service fees for nursing workers. In the past, due to the lack of unified standards, nursing workers' charges were often arbitrary, which brought considerable economic pressure and psychological burden to patients' families. Now, by clearly marking the price, each cost of the care worker service can be clearly and clearly presented, which is conducive to dispelling consumers' doubts, and also enhances the transparency and credibility of the care worker service.

The move to work with certificates further ensures the professional quality and service quality of nursing workers. Through strict training, assessment and certification procedures, certified nurses have solid professional knowledge and skills, and can provide more professional and efficient nursing services for patients. This not only improved the overall image of the nursing industry, but also enhanced the patients' trust and satisfaction to the nursing workers.

Although the implementation of clearly marking prices and working with certificates is conducive to promoting the development of the nursing industry towards a more standardized and orderly direction, it still needs the joint efforts of the government, society, industry and individuals to fundamentally solve the problem of insufficient medical care and change the current situation of older, less educated and diverse sources of nursing workers.

The government should increase investment, improve the treatment and status of nursing staff, and attract more young people to participate in nursing. At the same time, encourage social forces to participate in nursing services and expand service supply. Professional training should be strengthened within the industry to improve the professional quality and service level of nursing staff. In addition, using scientific and technological means to promote nursing service innovation and improve service efficiency and quality is also the key. It is equally important to strengthen social awareness and respect for the nursing industry. Through publicity and education, it is also indispensable to let more people understand the hardships and values of nursing work and form a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to and support the development of nursing.


Editor: Zhang Enjie

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