Grateful, Endeavouring, New Journey, Practical Work, New Contribution
——Trade union cadres in Xuanzhou District, Xuancheng City discuss the 18th session of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union: 8189
2023-10-26 Source: Anhui Industrial Network share

Since the successful conclusion of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, trade union cadres at all levels in Xuanzhou District, Xuancheng City have learned about the grand occasion of the conference and the spirit of the conference through various ways. Everyone responded warmly, talking about their experiences, feelings and plans, and expressed that they would unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and with a high sense of responsibility and mission as the master, they would contribute to the new chapter of the new era, modernization and beautiful Xuanzhou.

Since the successful conclusion of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, trade union cadres at all levels in Xuanzhou District, Xuancheng City have learned about the grand occasion of the conference and the spirit of the conference through various ways. Everyone responded warmly, talking about their experiences, feelings and plans, and expressed that they would unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and with a high sense of responsibility and mission as the master, they would contribute to the new chapter of the new era, modernization and beautiful Xuanzhou.

After returning from duty, Tang Haiyan, representative of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, director of the Finance Bureau of Xuancheng High tech Zone Enterprise Service Center, Xuancheng City, and chairman of the trade union of the eastern zone system of Xuancheng High tech Zone, deeply felt that the mission was on the shoulder and the important task was ahead. She said, "As a grass-roots trade union worker, this is my first time to attend the National Congress, and I feel extremely excited and proud."

Tang Haiyan said that the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union gathered representatives from all over the country to discuss and exchange the experience and achievements of trade union work, which is of great significance for promoting the innovative development of trade union work in the future. The speech at the conference made every trade unionist deeply encouraged and proud, which fully demonstrated the cordial care and high trust of the Party Central Committee to the working class and trade union organizations. The report of the conference is farsighted, profound in thought, detailed in content, rich in connotation, highlighted in key points and concrete in measures, which provides theoretical guidance for practical work and points out the way forward.

"Next, I will understand, publicize and implement the spirit of the conference, transform the wisdom gained from the conference into practical actions to promote the innovative development of trade union work, improve the work methods of trade unions, continue to enhance the ability to perform their duties, and provide more high-quality services for the staff and workers of Xuancheng High tech Zone." Tang Haiyan's words were resounding.

Gu Zhengxi, vice chairman of Hanting Town Federation of Trade Unions in Xuanzhou District, has been engaged in trade union work for a long time. After listening to and studying the speech and report of the conference, he deeply realized the significance of trade union work and made clear the goals and requirements of trade union work in the new era, which pointed out the direction and focus for him to better carry out trade union work in the future. "As a grass-roots trade union worker, I will earnestly study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, live up to the expectations of the trade union organization and the workers, work hard to solve the urgent problems in the development of the enterprise and the production and life of the workers, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the workers, and organize and lead the workers to make contributions to the achievement of development goals." Gu Zhengxi said.

"After carefully studying the speech and report of the conference, I felt deeply and gained a lot." Feng Xingyu, a trade union cadre of the district finance bureau system, said that he would actively organize to convey and study the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, deeply understand the new requirements and expectations put forward by the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, firmly establish the sense of service, and achieve loyalty, reliability We should work together to maintain a positive spirit, demonstrate the new style and new achievements of financial cadres, and strive to create new achievements in the process of deepening the "Three Years" activity and accelerating the practice of building a "Hundred Billion Xuanzhou".

Zheng Zhi, chairman of the Xuancheng High tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions, believes that the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union is a grand event to carry forward the past and open up the future, which has pointed out a scientific direction for the future to promote the integrity and innovation of trade union work. He said: "As a person in charge of the trade union in the park, I will give full play to the advantages of being closest to and most familiar with the masses of workers, earnestly study, understand and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, further compact responsibilities, innovate ideas, strengthen measures, adhere to the working principle of 'organizing and practically safeguarding rights', promote the establishment and membership of enterprises, build harmonious and stable labor relations, and maintain Protect the legitimate rights and interests of the staff and workers, unite and mobilize the staff and workers to strive for the high-quality development of the strong industrial zone. "

Cui Tuanjie is the chairman of the trade union of Anhui Xuancheng Jinhong Chemical Co., Ltd. He was very excited and excited by the success of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union. "In recent years, our company has achieved fruitful results and improved the overall quality of employees and the management level of the company through extensive labor competitions and technical competitions," Cui Tuanjie said, "Next, we will conscientiously sum up our work experience, adhere to the principle of keeping pace with the times and being realistic and pragmatic. Under the leadership of the superior trade union organization, we will actively play the role of the trade union organization as a bridge and link, build harmonious labor relations, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, make the trade union organization truly become the" mother "of the workers, and comprehensively implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and deepen production We should make due contributions to the construction and reform of industrial workers. "

In recent years, trade union organizations have played an important role in serving workers, maintaining workers and guiding workers, greatly enhancing the sense of gain, happiness and security of workers. This made Shi Wenyuan, a staff member of the District Data Resources Management Bureau, feel the warmth and care from her "mother's family". "The successful convening of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union has pointed out the way forward for hundreds of millions of workers and the work of the trade union. I will unswervingly listen to the voice of the Party, follow the Party, turn the care and service of the trade union organization into a powerful driving force to promote work, and do my job well based on job responsibilities," Shi Wenyuan said.

Unity will lead to victory, and struggle will lead to success. Trade union cadres at all levels throughout the region will create new glory and create new brilliance in the process of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way with rock solid confidence, seize every minute and perseverance.

(Publicity worker)

Editor: Hu Jingwen

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