The trade unions at all levels in Lu'an study and implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Trade Union Congress
June 2, 2023 Source: Anhui Workers Daily share

Recently, the trade unions at all levels in Lu'an City quickly held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the 15th Provincial Trade Union Congress, deploy and implement measures, gather the joint efforts of trade unions, and assume the new mission of trade unions and show their new achievements in promoting the practice of Chinese style modernization in Anhui.

Recently, the trade unions at all levels in Lu'an City quickly held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the 15th Provincial Trade Union Congress, deploy and implement measures, gather the joint efforts of trade unions, and assume the new mission of trade unions and show their new achievements in promoting the practice of Chinese style modernization in Anhui.

Lu'an Federation of Trade Unions: build a firm concept of "two hearts" and focus on the goal of "two forces"

On May 19, the Lu'an Federation of Trade Unions held a (expanded) learning meeting for the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group.

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the 15th Congress of Trade Unions of Anhui Province, required trade union organizations at all levels in the city to improve their political standing, fully understood the significance of the 15th National Congress of Trade Unions of Anhui Province, and thoroughly conveyed, studied and implemented the spirit of the meeting.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to further strengthen the work concept of "two hearts", adhere to centering on the center, serving the overall situation, centering on the central work of the Party Committee and the government, find the entry point and focus point of trade union work in promoting the overall situation of high-quality economic and social development of the city, and carefully plan the work ideas; We should focus on the work goal of "two forces", strive to make the work of the trade union more detailed and practical, and constantly improve the cohesion of workers and the influence in society; Adhere to the "42101" key work pattern, and drive comprehensive work improvement with breakthroughs in key work. Cadres and workers should base themselves on their posts, hone their skills, adhere to what they learn from what they do and what they lack. They should focus on the key work of trade unions such as the "Year of Strengthening Trade Unions at the County Level", the construction and reform of the industrial workforce, labor skills competition, and new business groups, strengthen their functions, improve their business, and better serve the masses of workers.

Huoqiu County Federation of Trade Unions: strengthen learning and implement, build new achievements based on posts

On May 15, the Federation of Trade Unions of Huoqiu County held a meeting of all the staff of the organ to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 15th Congress of Trade Unions of Anhui Province.

The meeting stressed that we should take the opportunity to learn from the spirit of the 15th Provincial Trade Union Congress to further refine work measures to ensure that all work is effective; We should study hard, fully understand and implement it, and quickly set off a learning upsurge among trade union organizations and trade union cadres at all levels in the county; We should closely combine the requirements of the "Year of Strengthening County level Trade Unions" and other work requirements, carry out various distinctive learning and publicity activities, and earnestly implement them. We should highlight the key points, identify the entry points and focus points of trade union work in different fields, different requirements, and different goals, effectively play the role of the Party as a bridge connecting workers and the masses, and show greater responsibility in the new era and new journey Make greater contributions.

Huoshan County Federation of Trade Unions: ideological leadership, cohesive force, courageously undertaking the mission and promoting development

On May 16, the Federation of Trade Unions of Huoshan County held a special meeting to convey and study the spirit of the 15th Congress of Trade Unions of Anhui Province. All cadres and workers of the organ shall participate.

The meeting stressed that the trade union organizations at all levels in the county should improve their political position, strengthen their ideological understanding, take the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress as the political guidance, earnestly understand the spirit of the conference, and thoroughly convey, study and implement the spirit of the conference among the broad masses of workers; We should correctly grasp the goals and requirements of trade union work in 2023, combine our own work, actively perform our duties and fulfill our responsibilities, pool our strength in strengthening ideological and political guidance, play a role in the overall situation of service development, win the trust of workers in rights protection services, unswervingly listen to the Party's words, follow the Party, unite and lead the broad masses of workers to seize new opportunities and forge ahead on a new journey, To contribute to the development of Anhui trade union work.

Jin'an District Federation of Trade Unions: focus on key work, promote implementation and achieve results

On May 15, the Jin'an District Federation of Trade Unions held a special meeting to convey and study the spirit of the 15th Anhui Provincial Trade Union Congress, and made arrangements for in-depth implementation of the spirit of the meeting.

The meeting requested that we should effectively improve our political standing, combine the spirit of the meeting with the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and combine it with the reality of trade union work, and transform the learning achievements into the effectiveness of promoting the innovative development of trade union work.

The meeting stressed that the implementation of key tasks should be solidly promoted with a better style, more powerful measures and higher objectives; Continue to orderly promote the whole district's treatment and recuperation work, comprehensively sort out the early work, timely connect with the treatment and recuperation base, and adjust and improve the scheme; Vigorously promote the standardization construction of non-public enterprises and the reform of the industrial workforce in the region, launch a number of standardized non-public enterprise trade union demonstration units and industrial reform demonstration units, and give full play to the radiation and driving role of demonstration trade unions; We will spare no effort to build an outdoor labor service station covering the whole district to solve the problems of outdoor workers such as "difficult drinking water", "difficult hot meals" and "difficult rest"; We should do a solid job in helping workers in difficulty, collecting and managing trade union funds, and information publicity and reporting, and constantly promote the work of the trade union to a new level.

Editor: Hu Jiajia

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