Our school and the community of Trade City jointly held a propaganda activity of "inheriting and carrying forward traditional Chinese virtues"

Published: 2020-08-10 00:00 Reading times: thirty-four thousand five hundred and sixty-seven
In order to further inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practice the socialist core values, improve the people's ideological understanding, and promote the city's in-depth development of building a national civilized city, on August 10, 2020, our school and the civilized co construction community - Trade City Community jointly held a special publicity activity of "Inheriting and carrying forward the traditional Chinese virtues". Ma Jiemin, a party volunteer and teacher of morality and rule of law in our school, gave a lecture on the publicity activity. She first introduced the origin and role of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, highlighting the importance of virtue to individuals, society and the country. Later, Mr. Ma explained the connotation of patriotism, dedication, honesty and friendliness, as well as the significance and practice of inheriting the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation from the four perspectives of socialist core values, citing classics and classics, in simple terms. Mr. Ma vividly described the practice and significance of traditional virtues with examples from life and the actual production and operation of merchants. Finally, Mr. Ma, in combination with the characteristics of the times, advocated that industrial and commercial people should base themselves on their own duties, love their jobs, be honest and friendly, start from small things, promote virtue, transmit positive energy of society, and strive to make contributions to economic recovery and national development. This lecture guided the merchants to start from themselves, consciously cultivate and practice the core socialist values, inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and strive to promote and disseminate the positive energy of morality, kindness, harmony and harmony in production and operation, which was welcomed and praised by the merchants.   Source: Political and Educational Affairs Office