General Secretary Xi Jinping talks about how to scientifically and objectively evaluate the effectiveness of thematic education

2023-09-19 Source: Communist Party website

At present, the whole party is carrying out in-depth education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. From July 25 to 27, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Sichuan, he put forward clear requirements and specific arrangements for doing a good job in evaluation and ensuring the effectiveness of theme education.

Xi Jinping stressed that the first batch of thematic education only has more than a month left. Party organizations at all levels should implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee, and work from beginning to end, be cautious, and strive for practical results. The effectiveness of thematic education should be evaluated scientifically and objectively.

● To test the effectiveness of theoretical learning, it is necessary to see whether the innovative theory of the Party is in the heart and see the action, and whether Party members and cadres are good at thinking and using.

● To test the effectiveness of the survey and research, it is necessary to see whether the social situation and public opinion are clearly understood and whether the actual problems are solved.

● To test the effectiveness of promoting development, we should see whether there are new breakthroughs in high-quality development and whether the quality of people's life has been improved.

● Inspect and check the effect of rectification, depending on whether the crux of the problem is found correctly and whether the rectification is in place.

● To test the effectiveness of cadre team education and rectification, it is necessary to see whether ideological impurity and organizational impurity are corrected and whether political hidden dangers are eliminated.

The effectiveness of the evaluation should be based on facts, open the door to the evaluation, let the masses evaluate, and ensure that the evaluation is objective and true.

An important aspect of evaluating the effectiveness of thematic education is to see whether formalism and bureaucracy have been effectively solved. We should examine formalism and bureaucracy, analyze the root causes, prescribe the right medicine to the case, and effectively improve the effectiveness.

We should hold a special democratic life meeting for the leadership and a life meeting for grass-roots party organizations, and carry out criticism and self-criticism in combination with learning, investigation and reform.

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi