Xinhua Review: Cadres should have iron shoulders and real skills

July 21, 2023 Source: Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 18 Title: Cadres should have iron shoulders and real skills

Xinhua News Agency reporter Tu Hongchang

"The responsibility in the heart, the work in the hand, the light on the face." When a reporter interviewed at the rural grass-roots level recently, he encountered an event that farmers built their own houses to occupy farmland. A cadre led by the county insisted on principles, withstood pressure, demolished the illegal houses according to laws and regulations, and went to the village to enter the household, patiently and carefully do the ideological work of the masses. Speaking of the "long-standing difficulties" such as the rectification of illegal construction in rural areas, the cadre expressed his feelings and said this thought-provoking work experience.

Those who do not seek change will succeed, and those who do not seek refuge will enter. Since the whole party has carried out in-depth education on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, the majority of party members and cadres have actively implemented the requirement of "focusing on practice", mustered the spirit of doing things and starting businesses, promoted work through learning, overcome difficulties, and effectively promoted the development of the cause. As the grass-roots cadre said, the more complicated the situation is and the more urgent and dangerous the task is, the more Party members, especially leading cadres at all levels, should set an example and lead the way above, exercise the political qualities of Party members in performing their duties and hard work, and win public praise in finding, facing and solving problems.

Cadres and cadres, "doing" is the first word. It is the basic skill of Party members and cadres to develop an iron shoulder that is bold in taking responsibility and conscientious in doing things. "Just talking without practicing fake skills" and "soft shoulders cannot shoulder hard burdens", to test the effectiveness and quality of a local theme education, it depends on the actual performance and effectiveness of entrepreneurship of party members and cadres at all levels. Whether you work hard or depend on the weather, whether you stand up or walk, whether you act hard or act with false will, determines the success of your career and also affects the political ecology. The Party's style determines the style of government and drives the style of society. It is necessary to vigorously advocate the state and style of being conscientious and responsible, facing difficulties and daring to struggle, and seriously rectify negative phenomena such as being afraid of gravity, lying flat and throwing the pan, perfunctory and muddling along.

"The knife is sharpened on the stone, and people practice in the matter." From "the greatest person in the country" to "the concern of the people", whether it is to do great things or small things, it is inseparable from the consciousness and drive to take responsibility. It is easier to find ways and increase talents when you go to the masses, to the grass-roots level, to places with difficult conditions and frequent contradictions. I am used to reading materials in the office, waiting for instructions from my superiors, taking a detour when encountering "difficulties and miscellaneous diseases", being not good at dealing with the masses, and retreating when encountering setbacks... All these things, whether they are incompetent, unwilling to do things due to lack of motivation, or unwilling to do things due to lack of responsibility, should be improved. It is hard to take responsibility for major events. Only by taking pride in benefiting the people and taking pleasure in solving problems, can we create new achievements that will live up to the times and the people.

Great efforts have been made to investigate and study, encourage cadres to go to the grass-roots level, and refine and implement the fault-tolerant mechanism... Since the theme education was launched, the central and local governments have been constantly exploring and improving the responsibility as an incentive and protection mechanism, and continuously strengthening the atmosphere of thinking about doing things, being able to do things, and doing things well. The selection and employment orientation of "the capable, the mediocre, and the poor" has become increasingly clear, and "Taiping officials" and "the boss" have left their hands There is no market for such negative phenomena as "only taking command but not going to war". With a good political ecology and a strong entrepreneurial atmosphere, party members and cadres will grow faster and people will reap more. Take responsibility for the person in charge, take responsibility for the person in charge, and support the person doing the work, so as to constantly correct the direction of the work, enhance the power of the work, and form the joint force of the work.

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi