Huainan City: "Five Police Officers" Helping Enterprises for the People in Action

May 23, 2024 Source: Anhui Legal Daily

Since this year, the economic investigation department of Huainan Public Security Bureau has firmly established the sense of serving the people, combined with the post responsibilities of economic investigation, focused on optimizing the business environment, deepened the cooperation between the police and enterprises, and made efforts to create the brand image of "five police officers" of Huainan economic investigation, so as to create a more fair and just legal environment for the high-quality development of the regional economy.

Pursue the stolen goods with all strength and be the "guardian" of the common people's "purse"

In recent years, the economic investigation department of Huainan Public Security Bureau has always put the recovery of stolen goods and recovery of damage in a prominent position, which is also the original mission of Huainan economic investigation police to do practical things for the masses. In February this year, Mr. Wang, a citizen of Huainan, made a special trip to the economic investigation department of Huainan Public Security Bureau to present the banner. He said happily, "You helped me recover the cheated hard-earned money. You are really a good policeman who can solve the problems for the masses!"

It is reported that since August 2022, a local shell company in Huainan has illegally absorbed and stored works of art investment projects and high returns, resulting in a total loss of 21.32 million yuan to the masses. In accordance with the work regulations of "the case must be accepted and handled separately" and the work requirements of "three on the spot", the economic investigation department immediately accepted the case and carried out investigation, and sealed up, detained and frozen the property involved in the case as soon as possible. Up to now, the funds involved in the case have been recovered successively up to 20 million yuan, and the proportion of damage recovery has exceeded 90%, which has been praised by the masses.

Publicity and guidance, being a "propagandist" of enterprise operation safety

The economic investigation department of Huainan Public Security Bureau launched a series of activities themed "I do practical things for enterprises", and selected business backbones to provide enterprises with door-to-door teaching, rule of law publicity, legal advice and other services, enhance the awareness of enterprise executives to operate in compliance with the law, help enterprises improve their internal risk prevention and control systems, and improve their crime prevention capabilities. Since this year, the civilian police of the economic investigation department have been to the local listed companies and private enterprises for 32 times in batches to communicate, help coordinate and solve 21 problems such as the production and operation of private enterprises, provide 53 legal guidance or assistance, push 8 enterprise related risk prevention information to relevant key contact enterprises, and issue 45 guidelines and prevention manuals for the construction of enterprise internal prevention system.

Cooperate with all parties to be a good "helper" for the elderly with difficulties in life

The old man surnamed Zhou is over 70 years old, and his wife is sick and bedridden all the year round. In 2018, he invested most of his family's savings in a platform and lost all his money. The old man has no children under his knee, and only the old two live together on weekdays. On April 17, 2023, the pair of policemen came to the old man's house again and put rice, flour and oil in the living room. The old man held the policeman's hand in tears and said repeatedly: "Thank you for coming to see me again! Thank you!"

This is a microcosm of Huainan's economic investigation departments helping the people in need in pairs and solving their urgent problems. Huainan economic investigation police actively coordinate the judicial assistance department to apply for judicial assistance for the needy groups, and regularly visit the homes of the needy people with community street comrades. These seemingly trivial things condense the true feelings of the police and exchange the sincerity of the masses.

Be the "waiter" of one-stop full-time management

Huainan Economic Investigation Department has set up an economic crime case acceptance center to carry out the consultation, acceptance, inquiry and evidence collection of economic investigation cases in a normal manner, and transfer economic investigation police with strong working ability and rich business knowledge to the center to work, so as to ensure that the reporting masses and enterprises achieve the integrated operation of reception inquiry record entry. At the same time, track and supervise the whole process of acceptance and filing, so that the progress of each case can be fed back to the reporting subject in time, so that the power can operate in the sun.

The Economic and Investigative Department of Huainan Public Security Bureau has studied and formulated the Work Regulations on "Cases must be accepted, cases must be handled separately, and the connection between investigation and trial" (for trial implementation), which further clarifies the work system of receiving reports and putting on record on duty, refines the post responsibilities of the police on duty, standardizes the separation of cases to be handled and the integration of investigation and trial, and effectively strengthens the normalized supervision and management of the link between receiving reports and putting on record of economic crime cases, It has effectively improved the quality and efficiency of the law enforcement work of the economic investigation department, and achieved good legal and social effects.

Try to be a good "coordinator" for handling and settling enterprise dispute cases quickly

On April 8, 2023, when Huainan City's enterprise resident police investigated the financial security risks of a large state-owned listed company Huainan Branch in Huainan, they found that the financial director of the company used his position to embezzle more than 1 million yuan of the company's public funds for personal expenses for a long time. On the same day, the suspect came to the case and returned the full amount of stolen money, which effectively blocked the loopholes in the enterprise's financial management, It has protected the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise and saved the reputation of the enterprise. Huainan city economic investigation police also paired enterprises and specific projects, made great efforts in the investigation and resolution of enterprise related economic disputes, the trail of enterprise related economic crimes, and the rapid investigation and resolution of enterprise related cases, and regularly held police enterprise seminars to understand how the economic investigation department needs to provide support and help in the process of enterprise development and project progress.

Since this year, Huainan's economic investigation department has cracked 9 cases of contract fraud, job embezzlement, illegal operation and false litigation involving enterprises, captured 18 persons involved, helped enterprises recover economic losses of more than 5 million yuan, and coordinated enterprises to solve 11 economic disputes. (Xu Hongyong, Correspondent Wu Su)

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi