In 2024, Bengbu held the first meeting of the leading group of normalized anti mafia struggle

2024-05-22 Source: Bengbu Daily

On the morning of May 20, the first meeting of Bengbu's leading group on the fight against organized crime in 2024 was held. Guo Jiaman, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary General, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Xiong Yansong, Deputy Mayor and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau attended the meeting.

It was pointed out at the meeting that this year is the year for improving the effectiveness of the fight against organized crime. We should further refine the implementation measures to "focus on one key point and strengthen six tasks". We should pay close attention to the supervision work, comprehensively and thoroughly sort out the self-examination, and promote the city's anti mafia struggle to achieve new results through problem rectification.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to deepen industry regulation, eradicate breeding soil, and ensure and serve economic and social development; It is necessary to continue to promote "strike early and eliminate small ones", strengthen management and control of touch and drainage, and truly achieve prevention and control at the source; We should strengthen the verification of clues and dig deep into and crack down on mafia crimes; It is necessary to strengthen the cooperation and linkage between departments, promote the speed and efficiency of case handling, and achieve the same frequency resonance and force in the same direction of "making money and breaking blood" and "breaking the net"; It is necessary to continue to publicize and create an atmosphere, especially the policy of rewarding and reporting the clues related to mafia and evil; It is necessary to change the style of work, strengthen the quality training of political and legal cadres, improve the ability to strike, prevent and control and govern according to law, effectively improve the satisfaction of the masses in the fight against crime, and create a harmonious and stable social environment for the high-quality economic and social development of the city.

(Wu Yuanyuan)

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi