Wuhu Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced 63 people including Xie Liuqing to protest and appeal against fraud

2024-05-22 Source: Legal Daily Legal Network

Li Guangming, a full media reporter of Legal Daily

On May 22, the Intermediate People's Court of Wuhu City, Anhui Province publicly sentenced 63 defendants, including Xie Liuqing, to protest and appeal for fraud, and sentenced the defendant Xie Liuqing to 15 years' imprisonment for fraud and a fine of 15 million yuan; 43 defendants, including Liu Yanfang, were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 12 years to six months of criminal detention and fined for fraud; 11 defendants who committed minor crimes such as Chen Dan were exempted from criminal punishment, and 8 defendants who committed significant minor crimes such as Wang Mengge were acquitted.

The picture shows the sentencing scene. Courtyard of Wuhu

After the first instance judgment of the People's Court of Fanchang District, Wuhu City, the People's Procuratorate of Fanchang District, Wuhu City filed a protest and 21 defendants filed an appeal. During the second instance, both the prosecution and the defense submitted a large amount of evidence. The Wuhu Intermediate People's Court held a public hearing in accordance with the law and fully listened to the opinions of both the prosecution and the defense.

It is found through trial that since 2012, Xie Liuqing, a criminal group who is the ringleader, has set up Beijing Zhongjin Dingsheng International Art Collection Co., Ltd. and other companies in Zhengzhou and Beijing in the name of others to promote products to customers by means of deception, such as fictitious product author, fictitious author authorization, fictitious author title and achievement, fake auction house, fake peers, quota grabbing, commitment to buy back, etc, More than 16.7 million yuan was defrauded from victims in nearly 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, including Anhui, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Beijing and Inner Mongolia.

The Wuhu Intermediate People's Court held that Xie Liuqing and others organized and implemented a number of fraud activities for the purpose of illegal possession, and their acts constituted a crime of fraud. The number of participants in this case is large, the main members are stable, the organization is tight, and the division of labor is clear, forming a criminal group with Xie Liuqing as the leader, Liu Yanfang and Zhang Hongfang as the principal offenders, and other participants as ordinary members. The criminal group, targeting the middle-aged and elderly, defrauded the unspecified public, repeatedly induced the victims to buy the products involved in the case, or repeatedly promoted them to the same victim, even knowing that the victim's family situation was poor and needed to borrow money, but still continued to defraud them, resulting in many victims' high debts, selling houses to repay debts, and living in difficulties. According to the facts and evidence ascertained, the court made the aforesaid judgment in accordance with the law, taking into account the facts, nature, circumstances and confession and repentance of each defendant's crime.

Some provincial and municipal deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, some victims and relatives of the defendants in the original trial attended the trial.

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi