Yu Aihua stressed at the annual action deployment meeting of Anhui Province to improve the effectiveness of the fight against organized crime

Take strict precautions against the resurgence of evil forces

2024-05-20 Source: Legal Daily

Hefei, May 17, our correspondent Li Guangming, Fan Tianjiao, today, the first meeting of the leading group of Anhui Province in the fight against crime in 2024 and the annual action deployment meeting for improving the effectiveness of the province's normalized fight against crime were held. Yu Aihua, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Tian Yunpeng, President of the Provincial High People's Court, presided over the meeting.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to deeply study and understand the important directive spirit of the Central Committee on carrying out the fight against organized crime in a regular manner, solidly carry out the "Year of Improvement" action, promote high-quality and integrated "handling cases, breaking umbrellas, cutting off money, and governing chaos", and release a strong signal of continuing to carry out the fight against organized crime.

The meeting requested that the regular fight against mafia and evil should adhere to the principle of eliminating evil and doing everything possible, based on fighting against small crimes early, highlighting major cases, strengthening the rule of law guarantee and comprehensive measures, and strictly preventing the resurgence of mafia and evil forces. Adhere to the source governance, dare to forge ahead, deepen the remediation of key industries, crack down on cyber related crimes, emerging crimes, and regional industrial crimes, and resolutely eradicate the breeding ground of evil forces. Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, solidly promote the construction of safe villages and rule of law villages, consolidate the grassroots foundation for crime eradication, and comprehensively enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi