Han Jun emphasized at the on-site office meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee in Bengbu City to learn and practice the fine tradition of "four grassroots"

Adhere to the principle of promoting advantages, forging strengths, reinforcing weaknesses, improving the environment, strengthening industries and increasing strength, and make due contributions to building "three regions and one district" and building "seven strong provinces"

Wang Qingxian's speech Yu Aihua attended

2024-05-16 Source: Anhui News Network Anhui Daily

In the afternoon of May 15, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee learned and practiced the fine tradition of "four grassroots" and went to Bengbu to work on the spot. Han Jun, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Photographed by our reporter Yang Zhu

WASHINGTON (Correspondent Zong He and reporter Zhu Shengli) On the afternoon of May 15, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee learned to practice the fine tradition of "four grassroots" and went to Bengbu to work on the spot. Han Jun, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. He stressed that Bengbu should fully implement the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial party committee, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, seize the biggest opportunity of the Yangtze River Delta integrated development, enhance the sense of historical mission and urgency to seize the moment to create another brilliant, establish the ambition of "returning to the first square in the province", promote advantages, forge strengths, complement weaknesses, and optimize the environment Strengthen industry, increase strength, develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, be a pioneer in the overall revitalization of northern Anhui, and make due contributions to building "three regions, one district" and "seven strong provinces". Wang Qingxian, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, delivered a speech. Yu Aihua, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and relevant responsible comrades of the provincial government attended the meeting.

Before the meeting, Han Jun presided over a special meeting of the provincial party committee to study specific measures to further increase the precise guidance and support for Bengbu's work. At the on-site office meeting, Huang Xiaowu, secretary of Bengbu Municipal Party Committee, reported on the city's economic and social development since 2023, and put forward important issues that need to be solved at the provincial level. Fei Gaoyun, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and executive vice governor of the province, replied on relevant matters. The main responsible comrades of the county (district) committees and some development zones in Bengbu City put forward specific opinions respectively. Some enterprise principals reflected the relevant demands on the spot. Leaders of participating provinces put forward clear requirements for doing a good job in Bengbu.

In his speech, Han Jun stressed that the main purpose of the standing committee of the provincial party committee to carry out on-site office work is to help the local people solve practical difficulties and problems, guide the local people to further clarify their development ideas, implement various work measures, and stimulate the spirit of the majority of cadres and the masses to do business. Han Jun pointed out that Bengbu is an old industrial base city in China and plays an important role in the revitalization of northern Anhui and the development pattern of the whole province. In the face of the once prominent problems of economic stall, development dislocation, structural imbalance and so on, Bengbu has been under heavy pressure and worked hard in recent years to rectify and overcome difficulties. It is determined to solve the problems left over by history, work hard to optimize the development environment, and gradually walk out of the low and painful period. The economic and social development has turned the passive situation, and the overall strength of the industry has been growing, The innovation ability has been steadily improved, the people's livelihood has been significantly improved, the political ecology has continued to improve, the economic and social development has been steadily improving, and all work is on the track of sound development. At the same time, we should also be aware that Bengbu still has some outstanding weaknesses and obvious gaps in its development. The manufacturing industry is not strong enough to drive the development, the leading ability of scientific and technological innovation is not enough, the level of opening up and cooperation is low, financial risks cannot be ignored, pollution prevention is not strong enough, people's livelihood is still weak, and there are weak links in managing the party.

Han Jun stressed that Bengbu is currently in a critical period of climbing the slope, overcoming difficulties, and accelerating development, and must adhere to the blueprint to the end, one after another, to promote the development of various undertakings to achieve new and greater breakthroughs. First, we must unswervingly promote the leading industries to become bigger and stronger, take the development of characteristic and advantageous industries as the main direction of attack, deeply implement the technological transformation and upgrading project and digital transformation project of manufacturing industry, deeply embed the province's industrial chain, focus on the six emerging leading industries and five industrial clusters to become bigger and stronger, and vigorously promote new silicon based materials and new displays, bio based, intelligent sensors The development of auto parts, new energy, commercial aerospace and other industries will accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone. Second, we must unswervingly improve the innovation driven development capability, take the construction of a national innovative city as an important starting point, adhere to scientific and technological innovation to lead industrial innovation, improve the energy level of innovation platforms, give full play to the role of large institutes in Beng, strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in innovation, accelerate the incubation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, strengthen the innovation of industry university research cooperation systems and mechanisms, and promote the education chain The talent chain is deeply integrated with the innovation chain and industry chain, and an efficient innovation ecosystem is built to add strong momentum to Bengbu's high-quality development. Third, we must unswervingly build a modern regional central city, solidly promote new urbanization, strengthen connectivity and interaction with Hefei Metropolitan Circle and cities along the Huaihe River, accelerate urban renewal, improve urban energy levels, make the county economy bigger and stronger by differentiation, continue to improve population carrying capacity, industrial competitiveness, and factor cohesion, and constantly polish the name card of "Pearl City by the Huaihe River". Fourth, we must unswervingly promote the overall revitalization of the countryside, take the role of building "large granaries, large meat warehouses, and large kitchens", speed up the construction of high standard farmland, focus on the continued construction of supporting facilities and modernization of large and medium-sized irrigation areas, do a good job in the value-added articles of "grain head and food tail", "livestock head and meat tail", "agricultural head and industry tail", and implement the "straw to meat" and beef cattle revitalization plan, Cultivate and introduce a number of leading agricultural enterprises to improve the processing and transformation rate of agricultural products. Deeply implement the project of "leading and upgrading thousands of villages", and accelerate the construction of livable and beautiful villages that highlight the characteristics of northern Anhui. Fifthly, we must unswervingly deepen reform and expand opening up, deepen and implement reform in key areas, steadily promote risk management of major projects and key enterprises, accelerate the development of Bengbu area of Anhui Pilot Free Trade Zone, build a modern logistics system of road, rail, water and air multimodal transport, vigorously create a first-class business environment, and deeply carry out investment attraction in industrial chain, business, platform and fund, We will improve the quality and efficiency of the open economy. Sixth, we must unswervingly build a high-quality cultural and tourism city, adhere to building tourism with culture and promoting tourism, improve the protection and utilization of cultural heritage, enrich tourism products, continue to carry out cultural, commercial, tourism and sports exhibitions, launch a number of high-quality routes, cultural and creative products, tourism brands, and improve tourists' experience and satisfaction with high-quality tourism services. Seventh, we must unswervingly ensure and improve people's livelihood, adhere to the work goal of "solving problems" and people's satisfaction, continue to improve the "voice of the people" work system, accurately implement practical projects for people's livelihood, optimize the supply of public services, hold tight to the bottom line of people's livelihood, strengthen and innovate grass-roots governance, continue to deepen the fight against pollution, and make people's lives more comfortable. Eighth, we must unswervingly purify and optimize the political ecology, firmly establish a correct view of political achievements, learn and practice the fine tradition of "four grassroots", solidly promote the "four services", adhere to the "loyalty, professionalism and integrity", take the ongoing learning and education of party discipline as an opportunity, persevere in correcting the "four styles", foster new trends, and resolutely avoid formalistic bureaucracy, and resolutely put an end to blind and reckless work regardless of reality, We will resolutely correct the "face saving" and "image building" projects, do more to lay a foundation for long-term benefits, and continue to ease the burden on the grassroots. Deeply promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, expand the breadth and depth of the fight against corruption, adhere to taking cases as a lesson, carry out warning education in different levels and categories, strengthen the incentive mechanism that advocates hard work and dare to take responsibility, create a good political environment that is clean and energetic, and form a vivid situation of working together to start a business.

Wang Qingxian pointed out that Bengbu is thriving due to transportation and relying on industry. It is rich in science and education resources and has excellent conditions for opening up. We should be confident, pioneering and innovative, and accelerate the return to the first square of the province. It is necessary to cultivate leading industries with toughness and patience, follow the development path of "leading enterprises - industrial chain - industrial clusters - industrial ecology", focus on industries to attract and cultivate enterprises, and create a good ecology conducive to the development of industrial clusters according to the trend of deep integration of industries, science and technology, capital, and talents. We should promote the formation of an innovation system with enterprises as the main body, cultivate and attract enterprises with strong innovation capabilities, activate innovation resources in large institutes, jointly build a number of innovation consortia and industrial research institutes, graft high-end talent resources, and effectively transform the advantages of science and education into development success. We should give full play to the functions of an open hub and platform, seize the opportunity of integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, improve the modern transportation and logistics system, make good use of open platforms such as the pilot free trade zone to improve the level of foreign trade and foreign investment, and promote development with the momentum of opening up.

Leading comrades of relevant units directly under the provincial government, members of the Standing Committee of Bengbu Municipal Party Committee, leading comrades of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, leading comrades of the municipal government, and leading comrades of relevant units directly under the county (district) and the city attended the meeting.

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi