Walking with France for 20 years, the civilized transportation has constantly created a new situation

May 15, 2024 Source: Traffic Safety Weekly of People's Public Security Daily

For many years, I have been working in the post of traffic safety publicity and education, and personally felt the benefits brought to traffic participants in the process of civilized traffic development since the implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China 20 years ago.

The travel safety of the masses needs legal protection. After the implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law, all parts of the country have successively established a joint conference system for road traffic safety, coordinated the forces of various departments, and formed a new pattern of traffic management work under the unified leadership of the government, with relevant departments performing their respective duties, jointly managing, comprehensively managing, and addressing both the symptoms and the root causes. Taking Susong County, Anhui Province where I work as an example, the joint meeting, under the leadership of the county government, regularly reported the road traffic safety situation of the whole county, analyzed the road traffic safety situation, studied and solved major problems of road traffic safety, formulated traffic accident prevention measures, and deployed the road traffic safety work of the whole county. Public security and traffic management, transportation, education, emergency management, housing construction, market supervision and other departments have become members of the joint meeting, and the team participating in traffic management has expanded and strengthened. The establishment of the joint conference system has played a positive role in the rectification of hidden dangers of road traffic safety, the prevention of road traffic accidents, and the improvement of the traffic safety quality of the whole people.

The people will respond to whatever they call. I still remember a big picture on the front page of the local newspaper in Susong County in August 2005. In the picture, many people are doing business around the "mobile vehicle management office" of the traffic management department at their homes, and their joy is expressed in words. After the implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law, the "mobile vehicle management office" service in the countryside is an important measure for the public security and traffic management departments to carry out convenient services. Previously, the driver's license was reviewed annually, the driver's physical examination was conducted annually, and the vehicle was tested on the inspection line every year. During the Spring Festival transportation, the passenger car was issued with the Spring Festival transportation license, and the driver was issued with the Spring Festival transportation education certificate. Many certificates and materials needed to be copied to handle various vehicle and driving management businesses. The procedures were numerous, and the work efficiency was low.

Since the start of the reform of public security traffic management services, a series of convenience and benefit measures, such as "one window for all", "one certificate for all" and "one trip at most", have been implemented in succession, simplifying the business process of vehicle and driving management and improving the efficiency of work. Some practices that do not adapt to the development of the times have been canceled, and the remaining measures have been continuously optimized. New measures such as off-site licensing, off-site examination, off-site license renewal, off-site annual inspection, and off-site handling of traffic violations were introduced intensively, which effectively facilitated many drivers working and studying in other places. With the application of the "Traffic Management 12123" platform and the establishment of the 24-hour self-service vehicle management office, people can handle the vehicle management business nearby or even without leaving their homes. The scene of people queuing up in the vehicle management office in the past has gone forever. The convenient service of vehicle management has really taken root and blossomed.

Traffic safety publicity is the "vanguard" of traffic management. After the implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law, the publicity of road traffic safety ushered in the spring. In order to promote traffic safety in an all-round way and make people pay more attention to traffic safety, my colleagues and I have traveled all villages and towns, schools, government agencies and centralized vehicle use units in the county for 20 years to send traffic safety knowledge to the masses through the traffic safety publicity "seven entrances" activity and the "Pingge says traffic" short video account number.

In recent years, traffic safety publicity has focused on the concept of modern civilized traffic, constantly innovating publicity forms and enriching publicity content. We continued to carry out a series of traffic safety publicity activities, such as "No Driving after Drinking", "One Helmet Belt", "One Old One Small", "Safe Travel Class", and established a traffic safety publicity position in rural areas. Through the stage of "Beautiful Rural Travel" and "Traffic Safety Caravan", the concept of civilized transportation has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. (Author: Li Zhengping Traffic Police Brigade of Susong County Public Security Bureau, Anhui Province)

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi