Wang Huizhi: If you choose criminal investigation, you choose to pay

2024-05-09 Source: Huaibei Daily

With her beautiful face and simple ponytail, she brushed past the crowd. Nobody would have thought that Wang Huizhi was a policewoman.

"The pursuit and research of fugitives rely on the firm belief rather than the luck from the sky." Wang Huizhi, a police officer of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, has experienced different business positions such as trace inspection, forensic medicine, information research and judgment for ten years. Now the second level director of police technology of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, she has taken on the responsibility and obligation of a people's police since the day she graduated from college and put on a police uniform. She has never flinched from fighting criminals because she is a woman.

As a forensic professional, after two years of trace examination experience, she moved to the forensic room. Many people think that a little girl can be a good forensic doctor? Don't you fear to deal with cold corpses every day? In fact, she also went from initial nervousness to calm, from panic to calm. Hundreds of on-site inspections made her calm at the scene of the crime. With women's unique carefulness, patience and perseverance, she let the evidence "speak", let the truth come out, and let the dead rest in peace.

In 2018, due to her outstanding work performance, she was transferred to the Synthetic Warfare Center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, mainly responsible for major cases, series of cases, trans regional migration cases, and research and judgment of fugitives. With new posts and new challenges, the traditional research and judgment mode and investigative thinking can no longer meet the requirements of the new era, which requires a new investigative thinking to "peel off the cocoon" in the massive and boring data. She conscientiously studied new knowledge, never lost, and became more and more brave. She gradually became an expert in criminal investigation and case solving. More than 1000 fugitives of all kinds across the country have been investigated and arrested, a large number of old cases have been solved, a number of social hidden dangers have been eliminated, and social stability has been effectively maintained and consolidated.

"The pursuit of fugitives depends not on luck, but on rock solid belief." In her work, she insisted on this idea, with a meticulous attitude, perseverance, tenacity, and skilled professional ability, and devoted herself to digging for clues of all kinds of fugitives. She was rated as "Anhui Province's expert in research, determination, and pursuit of fugitives" for four consecutive years, In 2022, he was selected as the "Anhui Provincial Expert for Research and Judgment on Pursuit of Escapes" with his outstanding achievements ranking the second in personal achievements.

The sense of security of the masses is the greatest sense of achievement. As a criminal policeman behind the scenes, her battlefield is not a battle of swords and death, but an ocean of information and data. A phone number, a video picture, and a life trajectory may all be the key to solving a case. Through the early clue research and judgment of the case, supported by the backstage data, she eliminated the false and retained the true, analyzed, processed, summarized and summarized the massive clues, stared at the computer for more than ten hours every day to find clues, and with rich professional knowledge and hard work style, to protect the safety of people's lives and property Safeguarding social fairness and justice has built an indestructible iron wall.

In 2023, she took the lead in setting up a chasing team, and the county and branch bureaus selected capable forces to learn information from their attendants. She operated in a special class based on the "1+N" model, established a mechanism of division of labor, collaboration and flow operation, and achieved fruitful results. Since 2023, the team has studied and captured more than 270 fugitives throughout the country, 34 fugitives who have absconded for more than 20 years, and 31 fugitives from homicide cases. At the same time, more than 20 professional research and judgment police and more than 10 auxiliary police have been trained for grass-roots units and teams to comprehensively improve the overall effectiveness of the city's fight against crime and research, judgment and pursuit of fugitives.

Professional, tenacious and pragmatic. In her long-term work practice, she actively summarized and studied case tactics, tried to improve her ability to arrest fugitives, summarized and summarized the "ten major tactics" of information-based pursuit of fugitives, which was praised as the "pursuit dictionary" by the fugitive police, and was fully recognized by the provincial department. The tactics won the first place in the three-quarter reform and innovation "leader" project of the provincial public security system. In the second quarter of 2023, the two system application cases she submitted were rated as boutique and classic cases respectively by the Science and Information Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.

In addition to being a criminal police officer, she is also the mother of a 6-year-old girl. During this period, she also experienced countless times of saying goodbye to her children in tears, becoming a "renegade mother" who promised to accompany but had to be absent... She also shed tears of missing and guilt in videos with her children.

"When I choose criminal investigation, I choose to pay." Wang Huizhi's words are full of firmness. "My inner peace comes from the moment when I handed criminals over to justice, from the harmony of society and the peace of the people."

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi