Starting from an old photo 30 years ago

2024-05-06 Source:

"Come on, young man, look, do you know this car?"

Faded old photos record the moment when a blue and white color matching car printed with the word "99 Execution" left in front of the low Hui style residence. The green court policeman scratched his head. He didn't know the house or the car. The only thing he knew was the license plate number that has been used so far. It turns out that this is the silhouette of the Jingxian County Court's executive police who drove out of a private lending case 30 years ago when they finished their home investigation.

"This case is even older than some of you!" Wang Xiaochuan, a senior judge who has been deeply involved in the implementation of the front line for decades, said deeply about the cause of the case. In 1994, Judge Wang, who had just entered the office at that time, participated in the handling of the case many times. From January to March 1993, Hong, the person subjected to execution, borrowed 8000 yuan from the applicant He for timber business. In April of the same year, the company repaid the debt of 2000 yuan and issued a IOU. Later, He repeatedly urged for the remaining loans, but failed to do so, so he filed a lawsuit with the court. After hearing the case, both parties voluntarily reached a mediation agreement, stipulating that Hong would repay the debt in installments. However, Hong violated the agreement again, not only refused to perform the obligation of payment, but even heard nothing. The executive judge could not find his property clue after multiple investigations and charges, so he had to settle the case and put it on hold temporarily. No one expected that this shelving would be half a child. Although Hong is still missing, the executive police never give up their attention and search for him. Although he is physically inconvenient, he also insists on keeping in touch with the police by phone and letter. For a long time, even new police officers know that there are two "old acquaintances".

In the twinkling of an eye, it is 2024. After several "big changes", the hospital's executive team is almost all "new faces". While injecting fresh vitality, young comrades also shoulder the burden of comprehensively clearing up the implementation backlog. One day in April, the executive police regularly visited Hong's village committee as usual. They thought it was just an ordinary routine inquiry, but they accidentally learned that recently some villagers saw Hong returning home. The executive police immediately posted the arrest summons in front of Hong's residence, and repeatedly instructed the local villagers and village committee cadres to call the "executive 110" alarm number once they found Hong's clues.

The next day, Liu Ying, the head of the Executive Bureau, received an unexpected call from Hong Mouxiang, his daughter rather than Hong Mou herself. "Judge, my father has suffered a lot in recent years, and he has never had a good day!" After some communication, Liu Ying learned that Hong left his hometown alone when his daughter was still young. Until recent years, the police station contacted Hong, and the family finally got together. Hong has become sensitive and timid during nearly half a lifetime of wandering. After seeing the court's summons, he felt very distressed.

As a child, I really can't bear my father who is over 60 years old to suffer again. Hong Mouxiang offered to repay on behalf of her father. She said, "Since my father has returned, the past must be ended. It is natural and just to repay the debt. As long as the family lives well in the future, it doesn't matter if you are tired.". Even though she handles thousands of enforcement cases every year, Liu Ying is still moved by Hong's valuable spirit of honesty and trustworthiness. Considering the family plight of the person subjected to execution and Hong Mouxiang's actual ability to perform, the executive judge actively sought to bridge the gap between the two parties and conveyed Hong Mouxiang's request to reduce the amount of interest and return only the principal and part of the interest.

"In fact, for so many years, I didn't expect him to pay back much money, but as he got older, he wanted a result. Now I am relieved to see his daughter so responsible and filial." After learning about Hong's past years, he, who is nearly an old man, sighed and agreed to give up most of the interest. Hong Mouxiang paid the settlement amount of 15000 yuan in full to the court's execution account on the same day, and the case was settled.

Opening the yellowed old file, fragile paper, outdated document format, and handwritten mediation manuscripts are displayed one by one. They seem to be saying that people are eager to hope; They also seem to be waiting, waiting for the people of the court who are handed down from generation to generation to realize the fairness and justice that will never be absent; They seem to be still shining, flashing a moral pearl that takes the initiative to shoulder the responsibility for the father.

Author: Shen Mengxin Feng Xuan

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi