Ningguo Public Security Bureau: An Shang Protects Enterprises "Light Cavalry" Enters Meilin Tea Farm

2024-04-29 Source:

On April 19, in the tea picking field of Qiaotou Village, Meilin Town, Ningguo City, an activity with the theme of "protecting enterprises and business, and 'light cavalry' entering Meilin tea field" was being held.

It is reported that the Ningguo Public Security 110 Enterprise Protection Service Team, which is composed of economic investigation, traffic control, criminal investigation, drug control, network security and administrative approval departments, together with the Meilin police station in the area under its jurisdiction, concentrated on safety knowledge publicity and prevention guidance.

At the event site, the police of the service team focused on traffic safety, drug control in spring, combating and rectifying online rumors, preventing electronic fraud, and preventing illegal fund-raising, and carried out "package" publicity through the display of publicity boards, the distribution of brochures, the display of new simulated drugs, and "director talk prevention" and other links.

During the activity, the police talked with the person in charge of the tea farm, and comprehensively felt the contradictions and disputes between the tea factory and tea farmers; In view of the characteristics of many bends, narrow roads, steep slopes and other characteristics of the road to the tea factory, the traffic police face to face with tea farmers and the common sense of safe travel, and earnestly send the knowledge of road traffic safety to tea farmers; Criminal police patiently and meticulously explained the methods and skills of preventing telecom network fraud to the masses on the scene; The anti drug police introduced various kinds of anti drug knowledge to everyone one by one; The network security police publicized the knowledge related to combating and rectifying network rumors.

The purpose of this activity is to continuously optimize the measures of business security and enterprise protection, adhere to active services, "group" services, "package" publicity, respond to the needs of tea enterprises and the masses in a timely manner, and spare no effort to write a safe answer for the development of the "tea economy".

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi