The "Dharma Knot" and "Heart Knot" are untied like this——

April 22, 2024 Source: Anhui Chang'an Network

"Strictly implement the leadership responsibility system for case contracting, adhere to the ability to perform their duties according to law, strengthen the thinking of 'understanding' and 'excellent understanding', and do a good job of mass petition..." The People's Procuratorate of Yongqiao District, Suzhou City insists on stimulating the "vitality of mass geese" with the "head goose effect", requires the leaders of the People's Procuratorate to take the lead in reading and approving letters from the masses, receiving visits from the masses, regularly listening to and studying outstanding issues, and receiving "face-to-face" visits The quality and efficiency of the reception of people's visits were effectively improved by means of visiting with cases and making appointments.

▲ "Procurator General Reception Day" Yu Huatong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Yongqiao District, Suzhou City, receives visiting people

"Procurator General's Reception Day" "Face to face" Listening to Appeal

"I demand state compensation."

"How much can judicial aid be applied for?"

"I don't think my child constitutes a crime."


On April 19, in the "Procurator General Reception Room" of the People's Procuratorate of Yongqiao District, Suzhou City, Yu Hua, the secretary of the Party Leadership Group and the Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate, understood that he would "perform his duties" at his post, receive visitors one by one, channel his emotions in a "face to face" manner, carefully listen to appeals, and patiently answer them in combination with reality to promote the resolution of conflicts and disputes. After Yu Hua's understanding and relevant line prosecutors' in-depth and detailed interpretation of the law, reasoning, doubt and doubt, they gave solutions and made commitments to the reasonable and legitimate demands of the visitors, and the visitors recognized and accepted the initial review opinions and resolution measures of the procuratorial organ.

It is reported that the People's Procuratorate of Yongqiao District sets a "Procurator General Reception Day" every month and publicizes it. At the same time, the "1+1+1+1+1" petition duty system was implemented, with members of the court team leading the shift, senior prosecutors on duty, all departments on duty in turn, accompanied by personnel from the petition department, and case handlers cooperating. Senior prosecutors with rich experience in procuratorial practice were assigned to receive in 12309 procuratorial services in turn, and the leaders of the court leading the shift met with the case handlers in a timely manner that day, Put forward solutions and methods to ensure the implementation of the substantive reply on the reception day of the first letter and the first visit, so that the masses can come back with their demands and satisfactory answers.

"Visit with cases", sink to the front line "solve problems"

"My finger is broken. Why did the procuratorate decide not to prosecute?"

This is a neighborhood dispute case. Because the facts are unclear and the evidence is insufficient, the procuratorial organ made a decision not to prosecute after review, and the party made a petition because of the decision. The People's Procuratorate of Yongqiao District implements the "two cascade contracting and the chief procurator responsibility system", sets up a special working class, and has repeatedly interpreted the law and reasoned out the "heart knot" of the complainants. Li Xiaoying, a member of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Political Department of the hospital, led the prosecutor who undertook the case to "lead the case to visit" for many times, to communicate and coordinate with the local government and village committee where the complainant is located, and to visit them for communication and exchange, patiently do a good job in the propaganda of policies and regulations and ideological pacification.

During the visit and investigation, the special work team learned that the complainant could not work due to injury, her husband was blind, her children worked outside but their income was low, and her family life was very difficult. Therefore, the team suggested that the complainant alleviate their difficulties by applying for judicial assistance. The complainant adopted the opinions of the procuratorial organ and signed a letter of commitment to stop the complaint and visit on the spot. A few days ago, the parties received judicial aid, and their lives were back on track.

For difficult and complicated cases with long time span, the People's Procuratorate of Yongqiao District implements the working mechanism of leaders' contracting cases and leading cases to investigate and study at the front line, fully understand the original case and the needs of the complainants, find the crux of the problem, target and work, help solve practical difficulties, and ensure the substantive resolution of conflicts and disputes.

Make an appointment to receive "order", and speed up the cohesion of "connecting bridge"

▲ Yu Huatong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Yongqiao District, receives the visiting masses who are scheduled to be visited by the leaders

"Hello, 12309 is at your service."

"We will register your information, contact information and related appeals, and we will contact you within three working days."


The People's Procuratorate of Yongqiao District insists on efficiency and requires speed in solving people's difficulties. We continued to implement the service of "online appointment for leaders to receive visits", and "placed orders" for hospital leaders to receive visits through door-to-door appointment, telephone appointment, and online platform appointment, which not only avoided blind letters and repeated letters and visits, but also improved the efficiency of receiving visits. The leader in charge of the shift can, according to the demands of pre registration, set up a special team to solve problems, draw up solutions, and make a good "amount in advance" to solve problems for the people. Respond to the questions that can be answered on site immediately, and clarify the responsibilities, specific requirements and completion time of the undertaking department; Put forward ideas for problems that cannot be solved temporarily, and coordinate relevant departments to give satisfactory answers to the masses within the time limit.

It is reported that since this year, driven by the "head goose effect", the hospital has interviewed 27 people and solved 13 problems on the spot. At the same time, actively explore the working method of "five agents of cooperation", and focus on resolving conflicts and disputes from the source, that is, "1+1+1+1+1" letter and visit duty system, "acceptance - research and judgment - diversion - supervision - return visit" one-stop service, multiple hearings, procuratorial cooperation, judicial assistance and other five measures to jointly develop "procuratorial solutions" for resolving conflicts and disputes, Strive to "find problems on the front line, answer demands on the front line, and resolve difficulties on the front line".

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi