Taihe County, Fuyang City: Truthful Practice of Politics and Law for the People

April 9, 2024 Source: Anhui Chang'an Network

Since the launch of the province's special action to solve the problems of letters and visits related to law and litigation, Taihe County has improved its position, organized meticulously, and vigorously pushed forward. The political and legal departments have responded quickly, taken innovative measures, and worked together to solve the problems. The special action has achieved outstanding results. The county public security bureau and the county court criminal court two units have been praised by the provincial joint office of information technology. The special action is "excellent collective" The number ranks first among all counties and cities in the province.

Adhere to the principle of "top leaders", and operate in special shifts. Taihe County insists on taking the special action of resolving legal and litigation related letters and visits as a political task, carefully plans and timely deploys, sets up a working group headed by the main responsible comrades of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the county party committee, and five comrades work together to study and formulate plans to comprehensively promote the progress of tackling key problems. The "top leader" of the County Public Security Procuratorate and Legal Department took the lead in person, set up special work shifts, established work accounts, implemented list management and closed loop operation.

Adhere to the consciousness of "like I'm suing", and resolve it with "true feelings". The county court firmly established the awareness of "if I'm suing" and "if I'm visiting", initiated the activity of "call when I have something to do" in the city's courts, opened two litigation services+telephone lines for letters and visits, 12368 and 8610800, and promptly explained and replied to 7857 matters that can be handled in a timely manner; For those unable to handle the work in a timely manner, 215 transfer work orders shall be filled in, and the filing court shall form a file for unified return visit. Deepening the brand building of "warm complaints", the county procuratorate continued to focus on 281 cases of "people's letters and visits have been answered", and tried to make people feel the warmth, fairness and justice of procuratorial work in every letter and visit. Adhere to the "three in place" principle to handle letters and visits, and ensure that legal and litigation related letters and visits are properly resolved, educational interpretation and guidance are in place, and judicial assistance is in place. For those who live in poverty due to loss of labor capacity or long-term letters and visits, actively coordinate to give judicial assistance (6 cases, 6 persons, 236000 in total) and subsidies for difficulties; For those who have difficulties in making letters and visits, they will visit their families regularly to help solve urgent problems.

Adhere to the joint efforts of all departments and tackle the key problems of "synthesis". The special work team insisted on the combination of "going out" and "inviting in", and worked together to tackle major difficult and complex cases. First, it organized veteran comrades with rich work experience to go deep into the political and legal units with prominent complaint reporting problems, visited the visiting units 12 times, listened to the introductions of the visiting personnel in person, studied the ways of tackling difficult problems, and found out the direction of resolution; The second is to invite legal business backbones and industry experts to discuss solutions to cases with uncertain legal policies for five times. On the basis of successful resolution of cases, it will provide experience for similar case resolution and achieve the expansion effect of "one consultation, one resolution".

Adhere to the "real" rewards and punishments and dynamic assessment. The county court focused on the efficiency effect of handling petition cases, evaluated and assessed each person responsible for handling petition cases, and assessed the "Star of Visiting Work" every month, with a total of 40 person times, giving a certain preference in year-end performance assessment; If the effect of letter and visit resolution is not good, timely interview and remind to improve the effectiveness of resolution. The county public security bureau incorporated the tough action into the reward and punishment assessment of the petition work, insisted on daily scheduling, weekly circular report and monthly assessment, and held 59 scheduling meetings for petition matters successively. If the tough work was not carried out effectively, 13 people were held accountable in accordance with regulations and disciplines.

Adhere to precise system building and "normalization" for efficiency. The county court strictly implemented eight complaint reporting systems, including the rule that letters from the masses must be replied to, and clarified the requirements for accepting complaint reporting cases, diverting assignments, reviewing hearings, and ensuring the standardization, normalization, and effectiveness of the resolution of complaint reporting matters. The county procuratorate has established a working mechanism of "the leaders of the procuratorate contract cases to handle the first complaint petition cases". For other key cases, such as filing supervision, criminal appeals, state compensation, etc., which are accepted for the first time, the leaders of the procuratorate contract cases to handle them. They are responsible for receiving interviews, explaining the law and reasoning, guiding education, and resolving conflicts, and resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of nominally and nominally contracting cases. The county public security bureau timely summarized the experience of tackling key problems, formulated "three rigid measures to prevent complaint reporting problems at the source", interpreted and reasoned the whole process from receiving and handling police and issuing police and civilian contact cards to handling cases, prevented the occurrence of complaint reporting problems in the whole process, and simultaneously implemented the three week solution working system of initial complaint reporting, effectively resolved the initial complaint reporting at the grass-roots level and at the county level, to prevent the escalation of complaint reporting to the greatest extent.

Editor in charge: Sun Tianyi