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The law popularization
Suzhou, Anhui Province: "The Great Publicity of the Culture of Rule of Law" Goes into the Pairwise Assistance Village
Time: October 9, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to thoroughly implement the provincial procuratorial organs Beautiful Village Procuratorate Activity Implementation Plan, nine month twenty-four twenty-five On October 1, Suzhou Procuratorate of Anhui Province organized police officers to visit Zhuzhuang Village, Xuanmiao Town, Dangshan County and Madikou Village, Majing Town, Xiao County Beautiful Village Procuratorate   Publicity of rule of law culture Activities. Through point-to-point and face-to-face propaganda, we publicized the procuratorial functions and the procuratorial organs' service for the construction of a better countryside, the measures and results, popularized the legal knowledge closely related to farmers, promoted virtue and good deeds, transmitted the positive energy of the rule of law, and helped build a civilized countryside.

In the propaganda activity, the prosecutor Zhang Qiangqiang had a deep understanding of the significance of the fight against crime, the work of the city's procuratorial organs in the fight against crime The relationship between the experience of Maple Bridge and the special fight against crime will be explained. Through Starka, etc eighteen Real and fresh cases, such as the case of people involved in gangsters, the case of criminal gangs of evil forces such as Li Huaqiang in Lingbi County, etc., are used to explain the law, so that villagers can understand what is black And what is evil Have a more intuitive and in-depth understanding, encourage and guide villagers to actively expose and report Involve in the underworld and evil ”“ Protective umbrella And other illegal and criminal clues, further enhancing the enthusiasm and initiative of the people to participate in the special fight against organized crime

Liu Sen, assistant prosecutor, introduced the background, significance, scope, jurisdiction and handling procedures of public interest litigation to villagers in vivid and simple language. The role of procuratorial organs in public interest litigation and how to perform their functions were explained to villagers through the pollution cases of two chemical enterprises in the city, food safety cases for takeaway, cross-border transfer, transportation and processing of hazardous wastes and other cases. At the same time, let the villagers realize that safeguarding public interests requires not only the procuratorial organs to effectively play their functions and the administrative organs to perform their duties according to law, but also the active participation of the public, so as to guide the majority of villagers to establish the awareness of protecting public interests, actively report the situation to the procuratorial organs when public interests are infringed, and provide clues to jointly protect public interests.

In the propaganda activity, the police of Suzhou Procuratorate also distributed propaganda materials to the villagers two hundred More than, answer the villagers' legal advice twenty More than person times. The content of the lecture is easy to understand, practical, vivid and interesting, and easy to understand. It effectively improves the grassroots people's awareness and concept of the rule of law, and creates a good environment and atmosphere for the rule of law to promote the rural revitalization strategy.