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The law popularization
The prosecutor gave you "a full set of law enforcement"
Time: June 25, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Hanging banners, distributing leaflets, visiting people, on-site consultation, award-winning test On June 6, the prosecutors of the Fourth Procuratorate Department (preparatory) of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate went to Hefei Tianshan Park Law Plaza, Anhui University and other two places And launched a campaign to prevent illegal fund-raising and fight against crime in the local financial sector to bring community residents and college students "Full legal popularization".

The publicity of the rule of law is combined with the activities of the branch. Prosecutors popularize legal knowledge to community residents, sing with them My Motherland and Me, and build a bridge between prosecutors and citizens.

At the beginning of the rainstorm, the cool weather attracted the surrounding residents to go out to cool off, to dance, practice chorus, and take a nap under the shade of trees. The centralized publicity platform set up by the procuratorial police near the square also quickly attracted their attention.

"What is this activity?"

"Oh, let me take one back to have a look."

Residents received leaflets and consulted the prosecutor about legal knowledge. At that time, people came and went near the propaganda desk in an endless stream.

When the crowd was slightly dispersed, the prosecutors changed their strategies and went directly to the masses to publicize legal knowledge with leaflets. Look, several old people are chatting in the pavilion over there.

"Aunt, do you know what illegal fund-raising is?"

"What, someone in your family has been cheated?"

"Sir, look, if someone asks you to deposit like this in the picture album in the future, you must be careful!"

Prosecutors turned into law popularization preachers on the spot, and delivered a lot of law popularization "Micro lecture".

The law is being popularized in the Rule of Law Square. On the campus of Anhui University, prosecutors and the university jointly carry out campus prevention "Routine loan" interesting law popularization activities are also in full swing.

"Come quickly, students, and take part in our legal knowledge test. If you answer correctly, there will be small gifts. There will also be prosecutors on the scene to answer your questions!" The solemn "Procuratorial Blue" and relaxed and happy small activities caused students to "look around strongly".

"Alas! I am wrong about this question. Why?"

"If there are illegal clauses in the contract, the validity of the contract itself will naturally be affected."

"How to prevent 'routine loans'?"

"First, we should start from ourselves and consume rationally."

It is understood that, Since 2018, the provincial procuratorial organs have prosecuted 237 cases of illegal absorption of public deposits, 423 people, and 87 cases of fund-raising fraud, 178 people. From January to May this year, the provincial procuratorial organs prosecuted 75 cases of illegal absorption of public deposits, 147 people, a year-on-year increase of 51.5%, and 32 cases of fund-raising fraud, 57 people, a year-on-year increase of 5.6%.

Here, the prosecutor appeals to everyone: refuse the temptation of high profits and stay away from illegal fund-raising; far from "Routine loans", do not let youth debt.