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The law popularization
[Anti Mafia and Anti evil Day] Lu'an | | The Procurator General led the "propaganda team" to the streets
Time: May 15, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to implement the special fight against crime 14 The steering group assigned the rectification of the problems, and further promoted the special fight against organized crime. On May 14, the Lu'an Procuratorate organized the police to carry out a centralized publicity day activity with the theme of "anti organized crime, urged surrender and welcomed the report". Yang Kaijiang, the chief procurator of Lu'an Procuratorate, and Ge Yilin, the deputy chief procurator, participated in the publicity activities.  

The activity focused on publicity to the masses by setting up a legal advisory desk, hanging propaganda banners, distributing knowledge manuals and comic books on the special fight against crime.

"If you find any clues about these crimes, please report them to our procuratorate..." At 9:00 a.m. in Wanda Plaza, Yang Kaijiang handed a carefully printed brochure to a crowd and became a "propagandist".

Under the leadership of Yang Kaijiang, "Propaganda teams" have also begun to get busy. Some of them have explained the relevant knowledge and typical cases of anti mafia and anti evil to the masses in simple terms in combination with the actual work; Some accept complaints and reports from the masses about crimes committed by mafia forces on the spot; Some patiently and carefully introduced the functions of the procuratorial organs in the special struggle and the ways of reporting crimes involving mafia and evil.

In this centralized publicity activity, the public procurator called on the general public to actively report and expose crimes involving mafia and evil, and created a strong atmosphere for everyone to participate in the fight against mafia and evil, which was praised by the people present.