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[Anti Mafia and Anti evil Centralized Publicity Day] Xuancheng | | Expose crimes committed by Mafia forces, "inside the wall and outside the wall" resonate at the same frequency
Time: May 15, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to create a strong atmosphere for the fight against organized crime and evil, and promote the in-depth development of the special fight against organized crime and evil, On May 13 and 14, Xuancheng People's Procuratorate launched the "Provincial Procuratorate Concentrated publicity day for anti crime ”Activities. During the event, Zhu Bianjiang, the chief procurator of Xuancheng People's Procuratorate, and Xu Dapeng, the chief procurator of Xuanzhou District People's Procuratorate, visited the procuratorial police at the event site and inquired about the implementation of the publicity activities.

On the morning of the 13th, a centralized publicity was carried out in Xuancheng Detention Center, members of the leading group office of anti mafia and anti evil activities of Xuancheng Procuratorate, and the joint detention center of police and cadres in the procuratorial office of the detention center in Xuancheng. The procuratorial police carried out special lectures on anti mafia and anti evil activities for all the detainees by means of radio lectures. At the same time, they encouraged the detainees to actively report and expose the crimes of mafia forces and their "umbrella" clues by issuing publicity materials and conducting heart to heart talks with the detainees.

On the 14th, at Guogou Square, the procuratorates of Xuancheng city and district organized procuratorial police to set up spots for centralized publicity. At the event site, propaganda banners and billboards were set up for anti crime and anti evil activities. The procuratorial police distributed "Two Notices" leaflets and propaganda materials related to anti crime and anti evil activities to the masses, and received consultations from the masses on the site.