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The law popularization
[Seventh Five Year Plan] Lingbi | | Send the Constitution, reason and listen to your wishes, and the Constitution will come to your home
Time: April 15, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to effectively strengthen the study, publicity and education of the Constitution, and promote the Constitution into daily life and the people, recently, the People's Procuratorate of Lingbi County, Suzhou City organized groups of law popularization volunteers to go to Yugou Town for Chinese cuisine, Zhuozhuang, Houhu, Youzi, Yuelou, etc 5 villages carried out law popularization publicity and education activities with the theme of "Constitution into thousands of families". The activity took the form of "sending a constitution, explaining a reason and listening to a suggestion (wish)".

"Send a Constitution" for everyone to learn

The law popularization volunteers of Lingbi County People's Procuratorate went into the people's homes, distributed the constitutional text and constitutional propaganda materials free of charge to the people, learned constitutional knowledge together with the people, and received a constitutional education together with the people.

To explain the law by "telling one truth"

The law popularization volunteers of Lingbi County People's Procuratorate carried out constitutional preaching and legal interpretation in combination with social hot issues of concern to the masses and issues involving their own interests, and carried out activities to interpret the law with cases through events around them. For rural left behind children and schools As for the problem of "bullying", the police of the police department who have not been investigated put the truth into the hearts of the masses in simple language from how to understand, how to avoid and how to deal with it.

"Listen to a suggestion (wish)" I will do it

"How is the procuratorial organ, as a judicial organ, doing in the application of constitutional laws? What is not done in place?" With these problems in mind, the law popularization volunteers of Lingbi County People's Procuratorate listened attentively to the voice of the masses. Through visiting and listening, more than 20 people's opinions (wishes) were collected. French popularization volunteers said that the opinions (wishes) of the masses are our goal and the driving force of our work. They must conscientiously absorb the opinions (wishes) and timely feed back the improvement to the masses.

"The Constitution into Thousands of Families" is an important carrier of the "Seventh Five Year Plan" for law popularization. The People's Procuratorate of Lingbi County conscientiously implemented the working mechanism of "who enforces the law, who popularizes the law", and further expanded the coverage of constitutional propaganda activities to the countryside through carrying out a series of related activities, raising the Constitution The new upsurge of learning and propaganda.