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[Learn from Lei Feng] In the "silent" class, prosecutors open the door to the rule of law for the angel with broken wings
Time: March 7, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In the afternoon of March 4, in order to carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng, promote the normalization of "rule of law into the campus", and strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of special adolescents, the volunteer service team of the Chaohu People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, learning from Lei Feng, took the initiative to contact the Chaohu Special Education School after careful preparation. According to the characteristics of physical and mental development of special adolescents, We have prepared a publicity and education course on the rule of law and a batch of interesting books on the rule of law.

In class, the prosecutor, with the help of the school teacher, combined with sign language The "saying" method gave children a lively and interesting propaganda lesson on the rule of law, letting them know that they can use legal weapons to protect their rights and interests, which was highly praised by teachers and students of Chaohu Special Education School.

After class, the ceremony of the donation of books to Chaohu Special Education School was officially held, and the student representatives received the books on the stage. Watching the happy smiling faces of children as they read books, the volunteers realized the true meaning of Lei Feng's spirit. The event presented more than 200 books on the rule of law.