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The law popularization
Feidong: Youth in bloom experience procuratorial work closely
Time: May 26, 2015 Author: Wang Li News source: [Font size: large | in | Small




"This is the case handling work area of our hospital. Do you know the functions of the Anti Corruption Bureau......" "If there are bad behaviors specified in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Law, what are the consequences and punishment measures......" This is the scene when the Feidong Procuratorate invited more than 50 teachers and students of Yuantuan Central School to experience procuratorial work closely. In the morning of May 21, in order to strengthen the interaction between the procuratorate and the school, popularize legal knowledge to rural students, and also let students know about the procuratorial organ, the procuratorial open day of the Feidong Procuratorate welcomed more than 50 students from the central school of Yuantuan Town, so that students can feel the procuratorial work from a distance.

Under the leadership of Wang Qiongbi, the chief of the Prevention Department, the students first visited the anti-corruption cultural square, the case handling area, the complaint reception hall and the office areas of other functional departments of the hospital to understand the work functions of the procuratorial organ. Later, Hu Hongxia, the procurator specially responsible for the non prosecution work, gave the children a legal lesson, telling them that they should consciously resist the interference of bad behaviors and guard against being confused and going astray in a real case of juvenile criminal offences; At the same time, we should also learn legal knowledge and strengthen self-protection. After the activity, the children excitedly said that through this activity, they had a deeper understanding of the procuratorate and prosecutors, and they would be more strict with themselves in their study and life.