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"Be yourself and protect yourself"
Time: June 19th, 2015 Author: Li Yingying News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
Chen Xian, Deputy Director of the First Public Prosecution Division of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, "customized" a legal publicity lesson of "doing well and protecting yourself" for children
The children are "fascinated" by the prosecutor's aunt's class
Chen Xian, the prosecutor's aunt, taught the children how to be good at themselves, manage themselves and protect themselves
Aunt Prosecutor It was wonderful and won a round of applause

  6 month seventeen day The lecture hall of morality class of Hefei Wanghu Primary School was full of childish children. Standing on the platform was Chen Xian, deputy director of the First Public Prosecution Division of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate. Chen Xian has many years of experience in juvenile procuratorial work, and is also one of the outstanding prosecutors in the province. In front of the children, Chen Xian specially "customized" a legal publicity lesson entitled "Do a good job and protect yourself".

   How to be good at yourself and manage yourself well; How to protect yourself and what to do when encountering temptation, help seeking and danger; When can I lie to bad people; When can't help bad people keep secrets; Who can we talk to when encountering troubles. Chen Xian used the language that the children could understand to tell the children about the possible violations of the law and injuries they might encounter in their lives. Real and vivid cases, vivid and lovely pictures make children and teachers very educated.

   This activity is a law popularization education activity jointly carried out by the Party Branch of Retired Cadres of the Provincial Procuratorate and the Party Branch of Qinxin Lake Community in Hefei. With the assistance of the Retired Cadres' Party Branch of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, the Retired Cadres' Party Branch signed an agreement with the Party Branch of Qinxin Lake Community in Hefei on the joint construction of the Party building work. Veteran cadres give full play to their strengths and actively participate in community public welfare undertakings and community services.