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"@ Justice Langxi" microblog live broadcast "move" to the street
Time: June 23, 2014 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


The police of Langxi County Procuratorate explained the knowledge of reporting to the passing masses



The Procuratorate of Langxi County "moved" its official microblog to the streets, and broadcast the propaganda of the report on the spot


Today is the first day of the 16th "Reporting and Publicity Week" of the national procuratorial organs. The procuratorate of Langxi County innovated the reporting and publicity form, "moved" the official microblog of the court, "@ Justice Langxi", onto the street, and used new media forms such as microblog live broadcast to release the unified reporting telephone number and website of the procuratorial organs to the public, and broadcast the reporting and publicity situation on the same day on the spot.