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Procuratorial Protection at the foot of Karakoram Mountain | Special Program on Time and Space of Rule of Law
Time: November 27, 2023-1Author: News source: Time and Space of Rule of Law, Anhui Agriculture Science and Education Channel [Font size: large | in | Small

November 23, 2023 Anhui Agriculture Science and Education Channel

Time and Space of the Rule of Law, Procuratorial Broadcasting Room

Procuratorial Guard at the foot of Karakoram Mountain

——Tell the story of the procurator who helped Xinjiang in Anhui

On September 26, 2023, the Supreme People's Procuratorate launched a microblog live broadcast activity of "approaching front-line prosecutors" in Pishan County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The main characters of the live broadcast include not only the local prosecutors in Pishan, but also two Anhui prosecutors who came from thousands of miles away to help Xinjiang.

[SYNCH] Wu Yihuo, Second level Inspector of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate : The leaders of the Information Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate now report that the micro live broadcast of "approaching front-line prosecutors" by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate in conjunction with the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Procuratorate, the Hotan Procuratorate Branch, and the Pishan County Procuratorate is ready to start. Please give instructions.

[Text] The micro live broadcast is carried out simultaneously in the form of text and video, from 8:18 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The story of prosecutors entering the plateau, climbing the snow mountain, paying homage to the heroes, and guarding the beautiful homeland has attracted the attention of netizens, with a total reading of nearly 90 million times, setting a record for the highest number of single reading since the launch of the micro live broadcast activity of "approaching the front-line prosecutors" of the highest level of censorship nine years ago.

[Text] Nian Fei and Chen Juan are two procurators of Anhui in the micro live broadcast activity. Nian Fei, the director of the second procuratorial department of the Huaishang District Procuratorate in Bengbu City, as the ninth procurator of Anhui Province to aid Xinjiang, came to Pishan as early as May 2021, and worked and lived here for a year. Pishan County in Hotan Prefecture is located at the southernmost end of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, at the northern foot of Karakoram Mountains, and at the southern edge of Taklimakan Desert. It is a border county with 12 ethnic groups. It is sparsely populated and dry with little rain. It is a typical dry desert climate in the continental warm temperate zone. There is a local saying that "you need to eat two or two pieces of soil a day, but not enough during the day and at night". In order to cooperate with this live broadcast activity, he came here again after a year.

[Text] At eight o'clock in the morning, the sky in Pishan was still not bright, and Nian Fei and his colleague Zulihumar Nurmaiti set out. The place they were going to today was Saitula Town, the most remote town in Pishan County, where Nian Fei had the deepest concern.

[SYNCH] Nian Fei, Director of the Second Procuratorial Department of the Huaishang District Procuratorate of Bengbu City, Procurator of Anhui Province : There is a Kangxiwa Martyrs Cemetery in Saitula Town. The National Martyrs Memorial Day is coming. We will perform a procuratorial function to see the protection of relevant memorial facilities.

[Text] Saitula Town is located in the middle of the Karakoram Mountains, with an average altitude of about 4600 meters. It is connected to Indian administered Kashmir in the south, and is known as the first town of Karakoram. It is cold and oxygen deficient in the territory, with rugged mountain roads, more than 450 kilometers away from Pishan County.

[SYNCH] Nian Fei, Director of the Second Procuratorial Department of the Huaishang District Procuratorate of Bengbu City, Procurator of Anhui Province : At present, we are going to take Line 219, also known as the Xinzang Line, which is a zero kilometer line. In the middle of this line, we have to climb over three Dabans.

[Text] In Uygur and Mongolian, Daban means the pass at the top of the mountain. More than three hours later, Nianfei and Zuli crossed the winding mountain curve with "thirty-three turns and ninety-nine turns" and came to Akazidaban, 3150 meters above sea level. At this time, the wind grew stronger and the temperature dropped significantly.

[SYNCH] Nian Fei, Director of the Second Procuratorial Department of the Huaishang District Procuratorate of Bengbu City, Procurator of Anhui Province : This is the first Daban on our way. It is more than 3100 meters long. First, it is a body repair at this place, and the other is to gradually adapt to the altitude reaction of higher Daban below.

[Text] After a short rest, Nianfei and Zuli continue to set out.

[Text] After a simple lunch, Nian Fei and Zuli embarked on the journey again. With the rising altitude, the white snow on the top of the mountain looked particularly dazzling against the blue sky and white clouds from a distance. The Selyakdaban, 4969m above sea level, appeared in front of us.

[Text] The vehicle continued to travel through the valley. Since many sections of the road were under construction, the road was bumpy and bumpy. The two comrades who set out with us suffered from vomiting and hyperreflexia to varying degrees, and could only be relieved by oxygen inhalation. Due to the stop and go along the way, Nianfei and his entourage arrived at Saitula Town Government. It was already dark. After a simple dinner, Nianfei could not care about the fatigue of the day. He leaned against the bed to take oxygen while checking the file to prepare for tomorrow's work.

[Text] The towering Karakoram Mountains, towering snow capped mountains, thousands of miles of bloody frontier, and heroes standing everywhere. On the lofty Kunlun Mountain, there is the highest martyr cemetery in China - Kangxiwa Martyrs Cemetery. It was built to commemorate the martyrs who died in the Sino Indian self-defense and counterattack war in 1962. A total of 112 martyrs died here. This includes four martyrs, Chen Hongjun, Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Siyuan and Wang Zhuoran, who died heroically to protect the country's mountains and rivers in the border defense struggle in June 2020.

"Clear love, only for China!" This is the battle slogan written by martyr Chen Xiangrong, 18 years old. In order to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the motherland, he left his young life in the snow capped mountains of Karakoram. The heroic martyrs served their country with their own lives to protect the country, but some people openly violated the reputation of the heroic martyrs to satisfy their own selfish desires. On July 15, 2021, the tourism blogger Li Moumou trampled on the base of martyr Chen Xiangrong's tombstone in Kangxiwa Martyrs Cemetery in Saitula Town, took photos with insulting gestures, and uploaded them to the network.

[Text] Later, these pictures were widely spread on the Internet, causing strong indignation of the public. Since Li's behavior was suspected of infringing upon the honor and reputation of the martyrs, which caused a bad social impact, the Procuratorate of Pishan County immediately set up a special case team. Nianfei, who had just arrived in Pishan, was entrusted with an important task to take the lead in handling the case. As the first case of insulting a martyr with "body language" in China, how should we characterize it?

[SYNCH] Nian Fei, Director of the Second Procuratorial Department of the Huaishang District Procuratorate of Bengbu City, Procurator of Anhui Province : Is his body language an insult? Does the impact of this insult reach the standard of being guilty? In addition, does his behavior seriously damage the public interest? Is it the field and scope of our public interest litigation supervision.

[SYNCH] Re Yimujiang Nizamudin, Deputy Procurator General of Pishan County Procuratorate: The judicial interpretation was also unclear. The question of whether the gesture (insult) constituted a crime was very different at that time.

[Text] In order to find out the facts, the Procuratorate of Pishan County intervened in advance to guide the local public security organs to investigate and collect evidence around the subject of the illegal act, the subjective aspects, the impact, and the damage to social and public interests, and obtained solid evidence. On September 30, 2021, on the National Martyrs' Day, The People's Procuratorate of Pishan County has filed an incidental civil public welfare lawsuit to the People's Court of Pishan County according to law.

[Text] On October 12, 2021, the People's Court of Pishan County found that Li's behavior violated the crime of infringing the martyrs' reputation and honor, as well as the Martyrs Protection Law, hurt national feelings and damaged social and public interests, sentenced him to seven months' imprisonment, and apologized to the public.

[Text] The successful handling of this case reflects the value leading role of the law and protects the honor and honor of heroes and martyrs in accordance with the law. It is also the first successful civil public interest litigation case in Hotan, which was written into the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate in 2021. In addition, under the leadership of Nian Fei, the Procuratorate of Pishan County successfully handled the first civil public interest litigation case of wildlife protection and the first administrative public interest litigation case of litigation in Hotan, filling many gaps in the public interest litigation of Pishan Procuratorate, and also passed on "Anhui experience" to the young police officers of Pishan Procuratorate. Due to its outstanding performance, the original six-month aid period of Nianfei was extended to one year. In the past year, from the plateau to the desert, he has left footprints in his work in 16 towns and villages in Pishan County, established deep friendship with the local police and the masses, and sincerely protected the people Ethnic unity.

[SYNCH] Nian Fei, Director of the Second Procuratorial Department of the Huaishang District Procuratorate of Bengbu City, Procurator of Anhui Province : Procuratorial work is an important part of our country's rule of law construction. Our country's general goal for Xinjiang work is social stability and long-term stability. Through our procuratorial assistance in Xinjiang, we practice our rule of law construction in accordance with the law. For a party member and a prosecutor, this is also a manifestation of value.

[Text] In March 2023, Chen Juan, Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Huaiyuan County, Bengbu City and Procurator of Anhui Province , took over the baton of Xinjiang aid from Nianfei. According to the work arrangement, Chen Juan is mainly responsible for civil, administrative and public interest litigation. Cultural relics protection, wildlife protection, ecological environment protection and other work have also become the focus of Chen Juan.

[Text] On a Gobi Desert more than 70 kilometers southeast of Saitula Town, clusters of red willows sway in the wind, forming a natural picture with the distant snow mountains. It is understood that this kind of plant growing in the Gobi plateau can tolerate salt and alkali and resist wind and sand. But a few months ago, it was a different scene here.

[Text] This is all due to the cooperation mechanism of "River Chief+Procurator General" and "Forest Chief+Procurator General" of Pishan County led by Chen Juan. Chen Juan told us that after coming to Pishan, she found that the procuratorial suggestions made and issued by the procuratorial organ often faced problems such as insufficient rigidity and low awareness of the public. To this end, she introduced Anhui's "government procuratorate linkage" mechanism. In order to ensure that this system can be combined with the actual situation of Pishan County, under the leadership of colleagues in the hospital, Chen Juan left her visiting figure from the snow covered plateau to the Gobi Desert, from the canyon streams to the herdsmen's homes.

[Text] However, visiting on the plateau also puts a lot of pressure on Chen Juan's body. In order to hurry, she has to take oxygen on the bus while driving.

[Text] Xinjiang Pishan has not only magnificent mountains and powerful rivers, but also vast grasslands, numerous animal and plant resources, and rich and colorful cultural landscape. In recent years, a number of Anhui procuratorial police for Xinjiang assistance, together with the colleagues of Pishan Procuratorate, have fully performed the procuratorial function of public interest litigation, focused on the integrated protection of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and built the barrier of local ecological environment and resource protection with the strength of the rule of law.

[Actual Sound] Chen Juan, Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Huaiyuan County, Bengbu City, and Procurator of Anhui Province: In fact, as stated in the brochure, protecting wildlife is actually protecting ourselves, because wildlife is an important part of the natural ecosystem and an important link to maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

[Text] From the Huaihe River to the foot of Kunlun, there is a distance of more than ten thousand miles. The two young children at home are the ones that Chen Juan can't bear to part with the most. Many times, when Chen Juan finishes her day's work in Pishan, it is already dead at night in her hometown. Every day, she can only take time to make video calls with the two children to report peace.

[Text] In the past few months of helping Xinjiang, Chen Juan turned the loneliness of homesickness and homesickness into true feelings, real actions and real deeds of helping border areas, and actively helped the development of her counterparts. There is a saying in Xinjiang, "When the water flows away, the stones are still there". Chen Juan told us that she hoped her work would be like this, and her good work practices and advanced experience would stay here forever.

[Actual Sound] Chen Juan, Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Huaiyuan County, Bengbu City, and Procurator of Anhui Province: The spirit of the policemen of the Pishan Procuratorate is also worth learning. We hope that through more exchanges of talents between the two places, we can bring the handling ideas and judicial ideas of the prosecutors in Anhui to Pishan, Xinjiang.

[Text] In September 2023, Zhong Chen, a young prosecutor of Huaibei Municipal People's Procuratorate, was appointed by the organization to Pishan, becoming the 11th Anhui prosecutor to assist Xinjiang after Chen Juan.

Snow white said nothing, witnessing the "judicial temperature" in the procuratorial work. Kunlun is silent, recording the moving "footprint of the rule of law" at a high altitude. In recent years, the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, in accordance with the requirements of the six in one aid mechanism for Xinjiang, including business, talent and culture, has sent 11 business backbones to Pishan to carry out business assistance, and has given more than 7.8 million yuan of financial support. In terms of the protection of military rights and interests, cultural relics, wildlife protection, and ecological environment protection, the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province has used the "four major procurators" to comprehensively perform their duties, Together with the local cadres and the masses, they jointly guard the Karakoram Mountains.

[Actual Sound] Zhang Zhao, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Pishan County: With the strong support of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province in recent years, the businesses and capabilities of the People's Procuratorate of Pishan County have been improved, and the level of legal responsibility and service for the overall situation has reached a new level.

[Text] According to the unified deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Anhui Province has started to provide counterpart support to Hotan Prefecture and Pishan County in Xinjiang since 2010, serving "what Pishan needs" with "what Anhui can", vigorously implementing industrial aid, intellectual aid, livelihood aid and cultural support for Xinjiang. Over the past decade, it has invested 4.579 billion yuan in Xinjiang aid, implemented 437 Xinjiang aid projects, and selected 1065 Xinjiang aid cadres, It has effectively promoted the economic development and social stability of Pishan County, and explored a new path of counterpart assistance to Xinjiang that meets the requirements of the new era, has Anhui characteristics, and conforms to the reality of Pishan.

[SYNCH] Yuan Xuesong, Deputy Leader of Pishan Working Group of the Headquarters of Anhui Province in Xinjiang for Aid to Xinjiang: In recent years, Anhui procuratorial organs and other political and legal departments have strengthened the rule of law in Xinjiang, selected business backbones to take temporary positions in Pishan and carried out business guidance. Through mentoring, on-site teaching, education and training and other forms, they have further changed the concept of Pishan cadres' rule of law construction, improved their ability to build the rule of law, and provided a solid legal guarantee for building a modern and beautiful Xinjiang of Chinese style.

[Editor] General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that, at present and in the future, to do a good job in Xinjiang, it is necessary to fully and accurately implement the Party's strategy for Xinjiang governance in the new era, firmly grasp the general goal of Xinjiang work, govern Xinjiang by law, unite and stabilize Xinjiang, run Xinjiang by culture, enrich the people and prosper Xinjiang, and build Xinjiang for a long time, and strive to build unity, harmony, prosperity, prosperity, civilization, progress, and live and work in peace and contentment Xinjiang, a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics with good ecology. The procuratorial organs of Anhui Province, bearing in mind the General Secretary's instructions, firmly carried out the work of "assisting Xinjiang under the rule of law". One group after another of the procurators came to Xinjiang by relay. The power of rule of law protects Xinjiang's social stability and long-term stability, and constantly spreads the spirit of rule of law on the vast Kunlun land.