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Micro film Hello Hello for Wei Wei
Time: November 24, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In recent years, campus bullying often occurs. Various forms of campus bullying inside and outside the campus have seriously violated the physical and mental health of minors. Some campus bullying perpetrators upload bullying videos to the network, and the bad atmosphere is blown back to the campus with the help of network traffic.

How to advocate the whole society to resist campus bullying in a new way and teach minors to deal with campus bullying correctly is one of the focuses of minors' procuratorial work. In order to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, the "Gumiao" procuratorial studio of the People's Procuratorate of Guzhen County, Bengbu City planned to shoot the first micro film of minors protection, "Hello Hello for Wei Wei".

In the micro movie "Hello Hello for Wei Wei", the first sentence is hello, saying hello to the whole society; The second sentence is hello, showing the sword to the criminals; The third sentence is hello, promise to minors. "Weiwei Weiwei" represents the initiative of the procuratorial organ and unremitting efforts to guard the bright future of minors.

The plot of the micro film is adapted from a case of a criminal gang of evil forces bullying school minors handled by the People's Procuratorate of Guzhen County during the special fight against crime. The criminal gangs of evil forces, with Mr. Quan and Mr. Liu as the main aggregators, have attracted minors and bullied minors in the vicinity of a middle school in Guzhen County for many times, which has seriously affected students' learning, damaged the teaching environment and caused extremely bad social impact.

In the film, bullying of minors occurred in the "Justice Lane", which contrasts with the scene; The happy smiling faces of minors contrast with the evil spirits of criminal gangs of evil forces; Young minors are in contrast to social behaviors. The arrogance of criminal gangs of evil forces will eventually be severely punished by the law. The gentle touch of the procuratorial police will eventually heal the physical and mental scars of minors. The "Gumiao" procuratorial workstation will also become a new position to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors.

As a national legal supervision organ, procuratorial organs perform their duties throughout the whole process of juvenile judicial protection and shoulder an important mission in the general pattern of juvenile protection. The Supreme People's Procuratorate proposed to strengthen the comprehensive judicial protection of minors, and promote the "chemical reaction" of family protection, school protection, social protection, network protection, and government protection with judicial protection and active performance of duties to make "1+5>6". To this end, it is necessary to form a new concept of minors' procuratorial work, explore a "new paradigm" for active performance of duties, adhere to "problem oriented", "targeted positioning" and "systematic thinking", and the People's Procuratorate of Guzhen County, Bengbu City, take multiple measures to create a new pattern of minors' procuratorial work.

With the continuous advancement of social development and the process of rule of law, people pay more and more attention to the protection and education of minors. The People's Procuratorate of Guzhen County regards strengthening the procuratorial work of minors as an important way to help social governance, focuses on promoting the professional, standardized and socialized construction of the procuratorial work of minors, fully protects the legitimate rights and interests of minors, and escorts the healthy growth of minors. The People's Procuratorate of Guzhen County, Bengbu City has set up a "Gumiao" procuratorial office, set up a team for handling cases without procuratorial work, and achieved centralized and unified handling of procuratorial work involving minors. Build a five in one working mode of "arrest, prosecution, supervision, prevention and education", and continue to promote the two-way, comprehensive and comprehensive judicial protection of minors. Establish a psychological counseling room for minors to promote the professionalization and standardization of non inspection work.

Extensive publicity and education on the protection of the rule of law for minors were carried out. Promote the implementation of mandatory reports, urge and strengthen the entry inquiry, go into schools to carry out anti bullying propaganda activities, and eliminate the hidden corners of minors; We produced the minor protection micro film "Hello Hello for the Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei; Led by the leading group of the Institute, the "rule of law into the campus" activity has been carried out for many times. We will continue to innovate the publicity and education of the rule of law for minors, broaden the channels of publicity and education at the procuratorial organ, campus and society levels, and organize procuratorial open day activities to enable students to receive the rule of law education at zero distance and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of procuratorial work.